
Puppet Environment Tool

Primary LanguagePython

Puppet Environment Tool

The Puppet Environment Tool (pet) fills in some gaps in connecting your Puppet servers to your dynamic environments.


pet recognizes the following configuration files:

  • ~/.pet.conf
  • /etc/pet.conf

You can also specify another file with the --config option.

Configuration files use ini syntax. Each section specifies an alternate configuration, and the default section is just called default.

The following configuration options are available:

The URL of the git repository containing your Puppet code. Any valid git URL should work.
backend or backend.name
The command used to contact a Puppet server. See below for details.
A cache directory. For best results, put this on the same file system as environmentpath. Defaults to /var/cache/pet.
The path where your Puppet environments reside. Defaults to /etc/puppet/environments.
The name of the puppet command. Defaults to puppet.
The name of the librarian-puppet command. Defaults to librarian-puppet.
The name of the git command. Defaults to git.

Deploying Puppet Code from Hosted Git Repositories

Assume the following setup:

  • Your master git repository is hosted on Bitbucket or GitHub.
  • You have a CGI-capable web server accessible by Bitbucket or GitHub.
  • Your web server can reach your Puppet servers via SSH.

Create a CGI script on your web server which executes the pet cgi subcommand:

exec /path/to/pet cgi

Configure your repository on Bitbucket or GitHub for a POST hook, pointing it to the URL of the above CGI script.

Create a SSH keypair on your web server with no passphrase.

In a valid pet configuritation file on the web server, define a backend for each Puppet server:

backend.puppet1 = ssh puppet@puppet1.example.com
backend.puppet2 = ssh puppet@puppet2.example.com

If you only have one Puppet server you can omit the backend name:

backend = ssh -i /path/to/private_key puppet@puppet.example.com

Now on your Puppet servers as a user who has access to modify Puppet files, install the public key from the web server into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and force run the pet cgi-backend subcommand:

command="/path/to/pet cgi-backend $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" ssh-rsa AAAAAasdafsdwehasdwa23ra232...

Also make sure to include a valid pet configuritation file on your Puppet servers which defines at least the remote git URL:

remote = git@bitbucket.org:MyGroup/puppet-repo.git

Now when you push to your master repository, your Puppet servers will pull the latest commits into their environments.