
An SDK for using FusionAuth with Angular

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An SDK for using FusionAuth in Angular applications.

Table of Contents


This SDK allows you to add login, logout, and registration buttons to your Angular application. You can do this via pre-built buttons, or with the FusionAuthService in your own components.

Your users will be sent to FusionAuth’s themeable hosted login pages and then log in. After that, they are sent back to your Angular application.

Once authentication succeeds, the following secure, HTTP-only cookies will be set:

  • app.at - an OAuth Access Token

  • app.rt - a Refresh Token used to obtain a new app.at. This cookie will only be set if refresh tokens are enabled on your FusionAuth instance.

The access token can be presented to APIs to authorize the request and the refresh token can be used to get a new access token.

Note that this SDK requires you to have a server that performs the OAuth token exchange. See Server Code Requirements for more details.

You can use this library against any version of FusionAuth or any OIDC compliant identity server.

Getting Started



npm install @fusionauth/angular-sdk


yarn add @fusionauth/angular-sdk

Configuring FusionAuthModule

To configure the SDK, wrap your app with FusionAuthProvider:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { FusionAuthModule } from '@fusionauth/angular-sdk';

  declarations: [],
  imports: [
      clientId: '', // Your FusionAuth client ID
      serverUrl: '', // The base URL of your server for the token exchange
      redirectUri: '', // The URI that the user is directed to after the login/register/logout action
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: []
export class AppModule { }

Server Code Requirements

Authenticating with FusionAuth requires you to set up a server that will be used to perform the OAuth token exchange. This server must have the following endpoints:

GET /app/login

This endpoint must:

  1. Generate PKCE code. a. The code verifier should be saved in a secure HTTP-only cookie. b. The code challenge is passed along
  2. Encode and save redirect_url from angular app to state.
  3. Redirect browser to /oauth2/authorize with a redirect_uri to /app/token-exchange

Example implementation

GET /app/callback

This endpoint must:

  1. Call /oauth2/token to complete the Authorization Code Grant request. The code comes from the request query parameter and code_verifier should be available in the secure HTTP-only cookie, while the rest of the parameters should be set/configured on the server side.

  2. Once the token exchange succeeds, read the app.at from the response body and set it as a secure, HTTP-only cookie with the same name.

  3. If you wish to support refresh tokens, repeat step 2 for the app.rt cookie.

  4. Save the expiration time in a readable app.at_exp cookie. And save the app.idt id token in a readable cookie.

  5. Redirect browser back to encoded url saved in state.

  6. Call /oauth2/userinfo to retrieve the user info object and respond back to the client with this object.

Example implementation

GET /app/register

This endpoint is similar to /login. It must:

  1. Generate PKCE code. a. The code verifier should be saved in a secure HTTP-only cookie. b. The code challenge is passed along
  2. Encode and save redirect_url from angular app to state.
  3. Redirect browser to /oauth2/register with a redirect_uri to /app/callback

Example implementation

GET /app/me

This endpoint must:

  1. Use app.at from cookie and use as the Bearer token to call /oauth2/userinfo
  2. Return json data

Example implementation

GET /app/logout

This endpoint must:

  1. Clear the app.at and app.rt secure, HTTP-only cookies.
  2. Clear the app.at_exp and app.idt secure cookies.
  3. Redirect to /oauth2/logout

Example implementation

POST /app/refresh (optional)

This endpoint is necessary if you wish to use refresh tokens. This endpoint must:

  1. Call /oauth2/token to get a new app.at and app.rt.

  2. Update the app.at, app.at_exp, app.idt, and app.rt cookies from the response.

Example implementation


Pre-built buttons

There are three pre-styled buttons that are configured to perform login/logout/registration. They can be placed anywhere in your app as is.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-login',
  template: `<fa-login></fa-login>`,
  styleUrls: []
export class LoginComponent {}

  selector: 'app-logout',
  template: `<fa-logout></fa-logout>`,
  styleUrls: []
export class LogoutComponent {}

  selector: 'app-register',
  template: `<fa-register></fa-register>`,
  styleUrls: []
export class RegisterComponent {}

Service usage

Alternatively, you may interact with the SDK Service by injecting the FusionAuthService into any component or service.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FusionAuthService, UserInfo } from '@fusionauth/angular-sdk';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  private userInfo: UserInfo;

    private fusionAuth: FusionAuthService,
  ) {}

  async ngOnInit(): Promise<void> {
  login() {
  register() {
  logout() {
  refreshToken() {
  async getUserInfo() {
    this.userInfo = await this.fusionAuth.getUserInfo();
  isLoggedIn(): boolean {
    return this.fusionAuth.isLoggedIn();

State parameter

The startLogin and startRegistration functions both accept an optional string parameter called state. The login and register components can also be passed the state as an input. The state that is passed in to the function call will be echoed back in the state query parameter of the callback uri specified in redirectUri on the FusionAuthConfig used to initialize the FusionAuthModule. Though you may pass any value you would like for the state parameter, it is often used to indicate which page the user was on before redirecting to login or registration, so that the user can be returned to that location after a successful authentication.

Known Issues

Example App

See the FusionAuth Angular SDK Example for functional example of a Angular client that utilizes the SDK as well as an Express server that performs the token exchange.


Full library documentation

Use backticks for code in this readme. This readme gets turned into asciidoc and included on the fusionauth website, and backticks show the code in the best light there.


To perform a release:

  • Pull the code to your local machine

  • Bump the version in package.json

  • Run npm run build-sdk

  • Run cd dist/fusionauth-angular-sdk

  • Run npm publish

You may have to set up your machine to be able to publish, which will involve updating your .npmrc file.

There’s information here that you can use to do that (look for the .npmrc section).