
A helper project for creating Adaptive Tile XML for Windows 10 apps

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

#NOTE: This is now defunct, please use the official package, details http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tiles_and_toasts/archive/2015/08/20/introducing-notificationsextensions-for-windows-10.aspx

Adaptive Tile Extensions

Adaptive Tile Extensions is a project to more easily allow a developer to create the xml required for adaptive extensions in Windows 10.

What are Adaptive Tiles?

Information on what they are can be found in the Build 2015 talk about Tiles, Notifications and the Action Centre https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2015/2-762

Your code

var tile = AdaptiveTile.CreateTile();
var binding = TileBinding.Create(TemplateType.TileWide);
binding.Branding = Branding.None;

var header = new Text("You have mail") {Style = TextStyle.Body};
var content = new Text("Someone likes you!") {Style = TextStyle.Caption};
var logo = new TileImage(ImagePlacement.Inline)
    Source = "http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/359/a/4/deadpool_logo_1_fill_by_mr_droy-d5q6y5u.png"

var logoSubGroup = new SubGroup {Width = 40};

var subgroup = new SubGroup();


var notification = tile.GetNotification();

The Generated XML

<tile version="3"><visual><binding template="TileWide" branding="None"><group><subgroup hint-weight="40"><image placement="Inline" src="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/359/a/4/deadpool_logo_1_fill_by_mr_droy-d5q6y5u.png"/></subgroup><subgroup><text hint-style="Body">You have mail</text><text hint-style="Caption">Someone likes you!</text></subgroup></group></binding></visual></tile>

The Resulting Tile

Wide Tile

This helper is a quick and easy way for you to create all the information for a tile, for whatever size you want to support, without having to deal with generating the XML yourself.