Simple Python app which saves IPs of visitors to a database, then displays the number of visitors. This app is intended to provide a jumping off point for educational purposes. To get this locally, use the following steps: 1. Install Git visit 2. Clone this repository to your local machine Pick a directory you want to work in, then run git clone cd python-flask-sqlalchemy-sample/ 3. Create a Heroku account (free) 4. Install Heroku CLI 5. Login to HerokuCLI Run: heroku login (provide credentials when prompted) 6. Create a Heroku project: heroku create (optionally, you can provide a unique name, but it generates one for you that is pretty easy) 7. Add a Database to your Heroku project heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev 8. Use git to push this code into your heroku project. This will start the project and give you a URL to see the project git push heroku master 9. Begin watching the logs to see your traffic heroku logs --tail Short list: * Install Git, Heroku * Run the following: cd /some/directory/ heroku login git clone cd python-flask-sqlalchemy-sample/ heroku create heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev git push heroku master heroku logs --tail * Visit your application in the browser or use curl: curl <url>
Simple python app which demos Flask and Sql Alchemy running on Heroku.