

Bingr is a cross-platform mobile app that aims to make the process of deciding what film a group wants to watch more fun than the film itself! Whoever hosts the filmnight enters their preferences (which streaming services they have and which genres they want to watch), and the app shortlists 20 matching films. The host shares a unique code with their friends, allowing everyone the chance to vote. The film with the greatest number of votes wins!


Bingr was created for our final project in the Northcoders full stack developer bootcamp in April 2021. You can watch the team introduce and demonstrate the app on Northcoders' YouTube channel.

Please note: this is a minimum viable product, not a fully-featured and market-ready app.

Team Imposyn

Trying the app


The Android installation file (.APK) is available for download in the releases section of this repository. Your phone may prompt with warnings about it being an untrusted app because it is not yet in the Google Play Store. Although we are confident that there is no harmful code, by installing the app on your phone, you are responsible for any possible issues that may arise.


Due to the upfront costs required to develop for iOS, we do not currently have an iOS installation file available.

Cloning the repo

At present, this app will not work if cloned and tried locally, as the core functionality requires use of a number of secret keys.

Tech stack

Main technologies

  • JavaScript
  • React Native (using Expo)
  • Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • Real-time data updates using Firebase's in-built web socket functionality
  • TheMovieDatabase API


  • Balsamiq, for wireframing
  • Mindmeister, for early planning

Project management

  • Trello kanban board for project management
  • Git / GitHub for version control and remote repository hosting
  • Slack and Zoom for real-time collaboration


  • Agile principles followed throughout
  • Rotating SCRUM master
  • Mix of mob and pair programming

Design principles

  • Research-led colourscheme, using welcoming and trusted colours
  • Clean and simple user interface

Possible future features

As we only had about eight days to create this app, there are many features we would like to add:

  • Greater filtering options
  • More in-depth results page
  • Swiping functionality for the voting system