Coding challenges

In this repository there are two directories each containing a different coding challenge.

Each challenge also includes a readme which provides details about what we would like you to do.

You should:

  • Fork this repository to your own GitHub account
  • Commit your work
  • Email us with a a link to your repository and a answer a couple of extra questions for us:
    • Roughly how long did it take from reading the instructions to emailing us. This isn't so much to gauge your speed, but more to help us adjust the challenges so they don't take up too much of candidates time
    • Do you have any other thoughts about the challenges? Were they hard? easy? boring? super fun?
    • Is there anything else you would like to add about your solutions?

If you have any questions (a challenge isn't very clear, or maybe the setup instructions don't work), don't hesitate to get in touch with