A SIC Virtual Machine, Emulator Assembler, loader, and Linker

Primary LanguageC#


A SIC Virtual Machine, Emulator Assembler, loader and Linker


  • SIC Virtual Machine. Full memory, Registers, CC and Status Words
  • Device Connections with read and write bytes shown
  • Full Assembler for SIC Source (Pass 1 and Pass 2)
  • Step through memory one instruction at a time
  • Symbol Display
  • Asbolute and Relocating Loader for SIC Object Files
  • SIC Linker


Release Date Version Change(s)
16 Dec 2021 Added Memory views, Next instruction display, other device features and bug fixes
05 Nov 2020 Bugfixed issue with exception being thrown when stepping through high memory addresses
04 Nov 2020 Bugfixed microcode for JEQ opcode. Bugfixes To Assembler. Improved Memory Display
02 Nov 2020 Bugfixed microcode for JSUB opcode. Bugfixed Device Output display.
02 Nov 2020 Bugfixed to Assembler END directive handler. Added handler for Set PC OPtion in GUI.
31 Oct 2020 Pass 1 and Pass 2 of Assembler Added. Object file loaded on successful assembly.
30 Oct 2020 Initial Release. Load object files, step through them. see memory and registers


Name Contribution(s) / Lead
Scott Piersall Chief Architect & Development Lead
Riley Strickland Pass 1 & 2 of SIC Assembler
Ellis Levine Pass 1 & 2 of SIC Assembler
Kris Wieben GUI & VM Testing
Brandon Woodrum Absolute & Relocating SIC Loader
Francisco Romero Decimal Memory View
Josselyn Munoz Binary Memory View
Jacob McGee ASCII Memory View
Carlos Garciagomez ASCII Memory View
Brittany Santos Next Instruction Display
Dylan Strickley Bug Fixing & Device Features
Bryce Stremmel Bug Fixing & Device Features