
Simple CLI interface to handle Basecamp (Classic) time tracking

Primary LanguagePython

CLI Basecamp Time Entry

Tired of udpating your hours through the Basecamp site? Well sir, this might help.


  1. New virtual environment mkvirtualenv basecamp
  2. Clone it git clone git@github.com:drewisme/basecamp-cli.git and enter the directory cd basecamp-cli
  3. Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Copy default settings file cp settings.default settings.py
  5. Log into Basecamp, click "My Info" and then under Authentication tokens click "Show your tokens". Copy the token under "Token for feed readers or the Basecamp API" and update BASECAMP_API_KEY in settings.py


To see a list of available commands and arguments

python main.py --help

Get a list of projects

python main.py projects
#id: Name

Maybe you have an idea of the project name and want to filter the list

python main.py projects | grep Side

Once you found your project id run the following to add a time entry

python main.py time -p 12345 -m "Gettin' work done" -t 3.0

or if you want a date other than today

python main.py time -p 12345 -m "Gettin' work done" -t 3.0 -d 2014-01-30


There is no updating a time stamp right now. So if you muck it up, log into Basecamp to fix it.