CIT Workshop

Sample repo for GitHub collaboration workshop


Fork this repo on GitHub

$ git clone [your-cit-workshop-fork]
$ cd [your-cit-workshop-fork]
$ git checkout -b [username]/[your-branch-name]

Within Visual Studio

Create a .json file within the Content directory with your own values

Sample .json file:

  "name": "Kyle",
  "adjective": "lazy",
  "noun": "Computer",
  "person": "Leonard Nimoy"

Edit the new file's properties and set Copy to Output Directory to Copy always.

Commit and Push your Changes

$ git status
$ git add MadLibs/MadLibs.csproj
$ git add MadLibs/Content/[your-new-filename].json
$ git commit -m "Added [your-filename]"
$ git push origin [username]/[your-branch]

Create Pull Request