
DynamoDB Local SBT plugin

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Support for running DynamoDB Local for use in integration tests.

Based on the Maven Plugin for DynamoDB.


Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.teambytes.sbt" % "sbt-dynamodb" % "1.1")


The following represents the minimum amount of code required in a build.sbt to use sbt-dynamodb

To use the dynamodb settings in your project, add DynamoDBLocal.settings to your build, set the directory to use for the DynamoDB Local jar and have your tests depend on starting the DynamoDB Local instance.


DynamoDBLocal.Keys.dynamoDBLocalDownloadDirectory := file("dynamodb-local")

test in Test <<= (test in Test).dependsOn(DynamoDBLocal.Keys.startDynamoDBLocal)

To use a specific version ("latest" is the default DynamoDB version to download and run)

dynamoDBLocalVersion := "2014-10-07"

To specify a port other than the default 8000

dynamoDBLocalPort := Some(8080)

The default for the DynamoDB Local instance is to run in "in-memory" mode. To use a persistent file based mode you need to set both the data path & turn off in-memory.

dynamoDBLocalInMemory := false

dynamoDBLocalDBPath := Some("some/directory/here")

The default regarding tests is to both stop & cleanup any data directory if specified. This can be changed using the below settings.

stopDynamoDBLocalAfterTests := false

cleanDynamoDBLocalAfterStop := false
Note: Regarding stopping the DynamoDB Local instance after the tests. To ensure the instance is stopped, please make sure not to override testOptions in Test and instead append (e.g. use += instead of :=).