
do not delete files instantly, just mark them for deletion

bvoss opened this issue · 5 comments

files in GridsFs shouldn't be deleted instantly, but just marked as deleted, so active streams of files can be finished.

Of course these files aren't considered for meta data generation, because the corresponding document in the collection "yum.entries" is deleted instantly.

Some hands on showing this files in the listings?
I prefer not show them. May be in a special view.

is this still an issue?

yes, there are still task left
1.) performance problems during delete job of large files
2.) not yet implemented to hide files marked as deleted in UI

The UI task is still missing, right?

As far as I know yes.
Deleted RPMs are still shown.
And I think we also show repositories that are deleted in the overview but access fails.
I am not sure, if we should hide them immediately from the view, or show them in a style that indicates they are deleted (light gray font or trash can icon). What do you think?

Mark them as deleted (crossed and light gray) sounds appropriate.