- 1
make yum-repo-server-repos dnf compatible
#58 opened by pluralistix - 2
RPMs are downloaded from WebUI as f.txt
#70 opened by alivespirit - 1
build fails with master
#69 opened by KlavsKlavsen - 3
DEFAULT_MAX_KEEP_RPMS should be configurable
#66 opened by jvale - 10
Virtual Repo creation
#50 opened by ryandsouza123 - 0
File type detection is buggy
#65 opened by oli99sc - 4
Redirection to a server which has sub directories which are symbolic links
#60 opened by ryandsouza123 - 1
virtual repo redirected to ext repo fails, when ext repo has rpm packages under 2 or more nested directories
#63 opened by liangderong1992 - 3
show Changelog in RPM-info view
#64 opened by sebkraemer - 11
Cannot install behind firewall
#61 opened by maarre - 3
- 0
- 0
wrong sort by name order in rpm search result
#20 opened by schlomo - 3
Propagation from external repositories
#56 opened by visibilityspots - 0
Allow additional configuration for URL rewriting
#55 opened by schlomo - 1
Allow to distinguish a "successfull" delete from a "there was nothing therer" delete on a file delete request
#53 opened by oli99sc - 1
deleting a static repo shows repo in repo overview page, but click leads to a 404
#54 opened by oli99sc - 17
How Could i set it up in CentOS?
#52 opened by tvvocold - 0
- 1
- 2
Consistency Checks and cleanup
#24 opened by oli99sc - 1
styles in ui broken
#46 opened - 4
- 1
Maintenance/propagatable RPMs needs improvement
#43 opened by mriehl - 0
HTTP HEAD Requests
#28 opened by schlomo - 5
- 0
redirects for external virtual repos works only for files matching the name pattern {repo}/{arch}/{filename}}
#14 opened by bvoss - 16
What are the default authentication credentials
#29 opened by johntdyer - 1
Support IPv6 addresses in whitelisting
#41 opened by oli99sc - 2
- 2
- 1
default user/password to use with API calls
#40 opened by mmairaju - 1
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 3
provide html view for maintenance resource
#33 opened by oli99sc - 0
TimeMeasuremtAspect on class level does not work.
#35 opened by oli99sc - 0
add maintenance view to head navigation
#34 opened by oli99sc - 5
- 0
- 0
show epoch in RPM-info view
#22 opened by bvoss - 1
- 5
Delete repository not working
#27 opened by owueffsdaf - 7
- 2
typo on @MongoTxAspect ?
#26 opened - 0
NPE in /repo-propagation/
#23 opened by bvoss - 0
- 0
show build revision in listings and full status
#19 opened by bvoss