Facial expression classification using Light CNN


This project was developed in collaboration with Illuin Technology in the form of a final-year project at CentraleSupélec. The team members were :

  • Corentin Carteau
  • Riad Ghorra
  • Arthur Lindoulsi

Where to get the data

You must download the FER dataset here : https://www.kaggle.com/c/challenges-in-representation-learning-facial-expression-recognition-challenge/data If you want to use the FER+ dataset (recommended) you can find the new labels here : https://github.com/microsoft/FERPlus

We created 4 data-sets from FER and the FER+ labels. Follow the instructions to build each of them.

1/ Original FER: python3 ferplus/split_fer.py. That will split FER into train - dev - test by adding a column "attribution".

2/ FER with cropped faces using OpenCV:

  • replace the last line of pipeline.py with crop_csv_dataset("./fer_datasets/fer.csv", "./fer_datasets/fer_cropped.csv")
  • Run python3 pipeline.py

3/ FER+: Run python3 ./fer_datasets/build_fer_plus.py

4/ FER+ with cropped faces using OpenCV:

  • replace the last line of pipeline.py with crop_csv_dataset("./fer_datasets/ferplustensor.csv", "./fer_datasets/ferplus_cropped.csv")
  • Run python3 pipeline.py

5/ FEC data-set.

Config file

The config file can be found at the root of the project and contains the parameters you can change in order to train and test the model.

  • "path": path to the data set when training the model (see "How to train the model").
  • "data_column": To use the original FER or FER+ data-sets, "data_column" must be set to "pixels" and to use the cropped data-sets, it must be set to "face".
  • "BATCH", "LR" & "epochs": batch size, starting learning rate value and number of epochs for training
  • "quick_eval_rate": proportion of the validation set to use during training between epochs to quickly measure progress. For example 0.2 will use 20% of the validation set.
  • "path_images": use to change the image folder when testing on custom images (see How to test the model)
  • "catslist": name of the categories, in order. Index i corresponds to emotion i in FER and to the i-th coordinate in the output of the model
  • "current_best_model": During training, use to change where the model is saved. During testing, use to choose the saved model version you want to test.
  • "loss_mode": During training / testing, use BCE if the model is trained on FER+ and CE if the model is trained on FER.

How to train the model

Before training the model, check the config values for path, data_column, BATCH, LR, epochs, current_best_model and loss_mode (as specified in "Config file" section)

We recommend using Google Colab or any form of GPU for a faster training. To train the model you simply run in Colab cells:

python run train.py

And then

main_custom_vgg(start_from_best_model=False, with_data_aug=True)

How to test the model and visualise the results

Before testing, check the config values for data_column, current_best_model and loss_mode (as specified in "Config file" section).

On FER, cropped FER, FER+ or cropped FER+ test set

  • In model_testing.py, replace the last line by test_on_fer_test_set(ferplus_cropped_path) with ferplus_cropped_path replaced by the path of the FER+ cropped data-set. This is to be sure to use the exact same test set for all models, as some faces are removed from FER to FER+ and because of cropping.
  • Run python3 model_testing.py This will run the chosen model for all images in the test set, print the results and plot the confusion matrices.

On a custom image folder

  • Choose a folder path and put it in the config for "path_images".
  • In model_testing.py, replace the last line by test_on_folder()
  • Run python3 model_testing.py This will run the chosen model for all images in the folder after cropping the faces and save the results in "predictions.csv"
  • Run python3 img_viewer.py
  • On the UI, click on Open folder and open the folder you chose at the previous step.
  • Click on "Open predictions" and open "predictions.csv" generated at the previous step.
  • You can now visualise all the images with the corresponding predictions.

On an annotated csv

Create an annotated csv for an image folder:

  • Run python3 img_viewer.py
  • Open an image folder
  • Click on the corresponding emotion for each image
  • You can quit at any time The annotations are saved in annotations.csv

Evaluate the model on an annotated image folder:

  • In model_testing.py, replace the last line by test_on_annotated_csv(annotations_csv_path) with annotations_csv_path the path to the annotation csv generated before.
  • Run python3 model_testing.py This will run the model on all the annotated images, print the results and plot the confusion matrices. We used this method to annotate ~600 images from the FEC dataset and evaluate the model on them.