
Bypasses the Scrap Mechanic developer flag check between client and server

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Dev Check Bypass

When the game Scrap Mechanic is launched with the flag -dev it will open a developer console along with hot reloading of Lua files being enabled. This mod makes it so that the developer flag is not required to be the same across all players in a multiplayer game meaning you can join a host who doesn't have the flag enabled and still have access to the developer console and hot reloading.

An explanation of how this mod works is available in the dllmain file at the top.


The recommended method of installing this is Carbon Launcher which is maintained by me and will let you simply press download and launch the game! However, there are many other ways. Here's a launcher agnostic way of installing this mod:

  • Go to releases and download the latest .dll file.
  • Open a tool like Process Hacker/System Informer and find the process of Scrap Mechanic.
  • Inject the .dll file as a module into the process.
  • You can also use a tool like SM-DLL-Injector maintained by QuestionableM and will let you simply inject any DLL files in a folder called DllModules, you could use this project and put the .dll file in the folder and it will automatically inject it for you.


To build this project you will need to have Visual Studio installed and then you can simply open the .sln file and press build, it is recommended to build in Release mode as it will be smaller and faster.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.