To Run: -npm install -npm run clean (optional. Removes bundle.js from file) -npm run build -npm run dev
Future Iteration Wishlist: -hash passwords -update state in login, registration page to provide feedback -modify the Pickups and Drop Shift function to interact with the database -create a manager view and have the drop shift function be appoved by managers -manager can create a new shift -view/form to request time off
git commit -m "Merge dev into rd/wpsetup.
Co-authored-by: RoderickXii Co-authored-by: julesdmai Co-authored-by: kravchuknick Co-authored-by: robsinz"
// password for mongoDB collection, put your own in //pass: Vany6GDnj75wi7Uq
// link to mongoDB database, put your own in //mongodb+srv://