
📦 A set of configs and rules for Typescript projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Logo Aurora

A set of configs and rules for Typescript projects.

  • Prettier. Code formatter
  • Tslint. Typescript files linter

Installation and dependencies

Install dependencies using npm or yarn:

yarn add -D tslint prettier @screamz/aurora

Edit your package.json and add "prettier": "@screamz/aurora" to use the built-in prettier config.

Then chose your tslint config depending on your project type and add it to your tslint.json extends key:

  • Classic Typescript project such as NodeJS or Cloud Functions: @screamz/aurora/tslint-common
  • React project: @screamz/aurora/tslint-react

Good to go!

Good to know

Some rules are handled by Prettier and have been desactived in tslint to avoid conflicts thanks to both tslint-config-prettier & tslint-plugin-prettier.

Extending ?

  • If you want to extends the built-in Prettier config:

The package.json method does not offer a way to extend the configuration to overwrite some properties from the shared configuration. If you need to do that, import the file in a .prettierrc.js file and export the modifications, e.g:

module.exports = {
  semi: false
  • If you want to extends the tslint configuration

It's simple as adding rules in your tslint-config.json

  "extends": "@screamz/aurora/tslint-react",
  "rules": {
    "interface-name": false,