
Gradle plugin for making your build.gradle smaller and prepared for ScreamingLib plugins!

This gradle plugin requires Gradle >= 6.0

Table of contents

Apply plugin

You need to modify 2 files in your project, it's simple!

First, go to your settings.gradle and add this ad the TOP:

pluginManagement {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url = ""

Then go to your build.gradle:

plugins {
  id 'org.screamingsandals.plugin-builder' version '1.0.49'

// Spigradle and Shadow will be imported automatically
apply plugin: 'org.screamingsandals.plugin-builder'

Use our task

Just add this line to top of your build.gradle and than run default task of your plugin

defaultTasks 'screamCompile'

This task will:

  • compile plugins and shade all dependencies with scope implementation into new jar file
  • prepare your pom.xml to right format and publish it to your local maven repository (folder .m2)
  • If you run gradle with switch -PscreamingRepository="file:///directory/with/repository"
    • then it'll also publish your work here

Example with subprojects

defaultTasks 'clean', 'screamCompile' // use our task as default

plugins {
  id 'org.screamingsandals.plugin-builder' version '1.0.49'

allprojects {
    group = 'com.example.plugin'
    version = '1.0.0'

subprojects {
    apply plugin: 'java' // apply plugin with your favourite language 'java', 'groovy', 'kotlin' etc.
    apply plugin: 'org.screamingsandals.plugin-builder' // then apply our plugin

    repositories { // add some custom dependencies
        maven {
            url = ''
    dependencies {
      // lombok and jetbrains annotations are added automatically
      // add some provided dependencies
      compileOnly paper()
      // add some compiled dependencies
      implementation 'org.screamingsandals.simpleinventories:SimpleInventories-Core:1.0.0'
    enableShadowPlugin() // enable shading

    shadowJar {
       relocate 'org.screamingsandals.simpleinventories', 'org.screamingsandals.simpleinventories2' // add some relocation if you shade something inside
    sourceCompatibility = 11

Repository uploading

For uploading artifacts to repository, only few environment variables are needed.

Gitlab Repository

GITLAB_REPO -> address of gitlab repository
GITLAB_TOKEN -> private token

Nexus Repository

NEXUS_URL_SNAPSHOT -> nexus snapshot repository
NEXUS_URL_RELEASE -> nexus release repository
NEXUS_USERNAME -> nexus username
NEXUS_PASSWORD -> nexus password