Helm Charts


This repository provides a set of Kubernetes manifests for deploying various resources, including deployments, services, and more. It is designed to be used as a base charts that can be extended and customized as needed.

Updating Versions

Update Chart Version

Whenever you make changes to the chart, update the version field in Chart.yaml:

version: 0.2.0

Update Image Tag

If the new version involves a new Docker image, update the tag field in values.yaml:

  tag: 1.1.0

Version Control

Ensure you commit and push the changes to your version control system (e.g., Git):

git add Chart.yaml values.yaml
git commit -m "Updated chart and app version to 1.1.0"
git push origin main

Best Practices

  • Always increment the chart version in Chart.yaml with each change.
  • Use semantic versioning for version.
  • Keep your values.yaml file updated with the necessary configuration changes.