An automated way for your team members to sign-up for your Slack.
You can try it out with DPLY
Or you can follow the Manual Installation steps yourself. Either way, make sure you do the Setup Credentials and Deploy steps below.
- Install node
- Install Serverless
npm install -g serverless
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Change into that directory
cd serverless-slack-join
- Run npm Install
npm install
- Setup your AWS keys
- Get your Slack test credentials. You will need to be logged in as an admin or owner in your slack.
- create a .env file
cp .envexample .env
- edit .env to add your own slack
- deploy
severless deploy
- Note your shiny new endpoint and use it from a webform. For a simple example, see amarillo-tech-meetup
If you have a fix, or a suggestion, please create a pull request.
This was a quick, weekend hack with a framework I didn't know, so there's probably a better way to do all of this. This at least has the virtue of simplicity.
- Explore using the new AWS Environment Variables
- Atone for my scandalous lack of test cases. I'd love to see some examples of good Serverless testing.
- This was inspired by serverless-slack-invite-api by Antti Vähäkotamäki, but I needed something that worked with Serverless v1.0
- built with Serverless