You need these mods:

  • Buffs

    • Passive

      • The warmer you are, the more powerful you get.
      • You always have elytra wings (If you have it, the migrator cape looks aesthetically nice on with this origin.)
      • You can see clearly in lava.
      • You are immune to all kinds of fire damage.
    • Active Ability

      • You have a fireball ability that you charge up using fire charges, and fire with heat. The hotkey for this is your quaternary key.
      • Using heat, you can launch yourself up into the air. This uses your primary key.
      • Every 10 minutes, you evade death at the cost of half your max hp. Use a blaze rod to return your hp to normal.
      • By pressing your secondary key, you can trigger an empowered mode, where at the cost of heat, every attack does more damage and lights the enemy on fire for 15 seconds.
      • By using blaze powder (50), magma cream (50), charcoal (30), coal(30), or a stick (10), you can give yourself heat.
      • By pressing your ternary key, you can activate a fire aoe aura that uses heat to light anyone in range on fire while they are in range, and for 5 seconds while out of range.
  • Neutral

    • You are 0.75 times the size of a normal player.
    • You spawn in the nether (multiplayer version) or in the desert (singleplayer version)
    • Your temp is set to 250 F (no heat and no cold) whenever you die. Also, you return to full max HP when you die. but your revive cooldown does not reset upon death.
  • Debuffs

    • If you start to get cold, you become slower and start to die.
    • Piglins and zombie piglins are always agresive toward you.
    • Water hurts you. need I say more.

Whats all this temperature stuff with hot and cold about??

Im glad you asked! Allow me to tell you!

This origin has a bare bones version of the tough as nails temperature system! isnt that neat?

But what heats me up and what cools me down?

you might ask,
Well allow me to tell you!


You have a max heat of 750 and max cold of 750.
this means you have a max body heat of 1000 F, since the coldest you can go (IRL mind you) is ~-500 F.
  • In-game temperature. <-- has all information on which biomes have which temperature

    • 2.0 temp gives 20 heat per second (this is the entirety of the nether)
    • 1.2 temp gives 8 heat per second
    • 1.1 temp gives 4 heat per second
    • 1.0 temp doesnt do anything
    • 0.95 and 0.9 temp take 4 heat per second
    • 0.8 temp takes 8 heat per second
    • 0.7 temp and 0.6 temp take 12 heat per second
    • 0.5 temp, 0.3 temp and 0.25 temp take 20 heat per second (this is the entirety of the end)
    • 0.2 temp takes 24 heat per second
    • 0.05 temp and 0 temp take 28 heat per second
    • -0.2 temp takes 32 heat per second
    • -0.3 temp takes 36 heat per second
    • -0.5 temp takes 40 heat per second
    • -0.7 temp takes 48 heat per second
  • Environment

    • Giving heat

      • Lava pools (being surrounded and in 6 lava source blocks or more) give 100 heat per second
      • Being around lava or in 1-5 source blocks of lava takes 4 cold per second and gives 8 heat per second
      • normal torches give 3 heat every 5 seconds
      • soul torches give 1 heat every 5 seconds
      • normal campfires give 4 heat per second (while lit)
      • soul campfires give 2 heat per second (while lit)
      • jack-o-lanterns give 2 heat every 5 seconds
      • candles give 1 heat every 5 seconds (while lit)
      • (being around) fire gives 2 heat every second
      • (being around) soul fire gives 1 heat every second
      • (being around) a blaze gives 4 heat every second
      • (being around) a magma cube gives 8 heat every second
      • (being around) any entity on fire gives 1 heat every second
      • Daytime gives 3 heat per second
    • Takes away heat

      • (being around) strays take away 4 heat every second
      • (being in) rain takes away 100 heat every second (dont be in rain)
      • (being in) water takes away 140 heat every second (you know what, just dont touch water in general.)
      • Nighttime takes 5 heat every second
      • ??? takes away 4 heat every second

You can use the heat system! just take cold.json, heat.json, coldlink.json, heatlink.json, and torch_temp_change.json and plug them into your file! tempstats.json is an example of what diffrent temps can do! Just give me credit if you use it in a origin you post.

hey! psst! down here!
Ill make origins for people! DM me at The Stoat (Flux)#4993 for details!