
Ingest television series transcripts and output a totally new script.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


NarrativeAI is a project that uses machine learning to generate new transcripts for the Person of Interest TV series. The project is based on the idea of training a language model on the existing transcripts of the show and using it to generate new ones.


Getting Started


To run this project, you will need:

  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • The transcripts for the Person of Interest TV series (for training the language model)

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/Scylidose/NarrativeAI.git
  1. Create and activate a new virtual environment:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate # on Linux or macOS
.\env\Scripts\activate # on Windows
  1. Install the required Python packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

This will install all the necessary dependencies, including transformers, which provides an interface for using the pre-trained GPT-NEO model.

Now that you have set up your environment, you can proceed to running the scripts to generate new transcripts using the pre-trained model.


  • I use the GPT-NEO model instead of the newer ones for cost, availability and complexity reasons.


Train the model


To train the language model, you can use the train_model.py script. This script trains a GPT-Neo model on input text data and saves the trained model to a specified directory.

python3 train_model.py [-h] [--model_name MODEL_NAME] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                      [--epochs EPOCHS] [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
                      [--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY]
                      train_data_dir eval_data_dir model_dir


  • train_data_dir: The directory containing the cleaned input training data.
  • eval_data_dir: The directory containing the cleaned input eval data.
  • model_dir: The directory to save the trained model and training logs.
  • --model_name: The name of the pretrained GPT-Neo model to use. Default is EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B.
  • --batch_size: The number of training samples per batch. Default is 4.
  • --epochs: The number of times to iterate over the training data. Default is 1.
  • --learning_rate: The learning rate for the optimizer. Default is 2e-5.
  • --weight_decay: The amount of weight decay to apply during training. Default is 0.01.


python3 train_model.py data/person_of_interest/train/ data/person_of_interest/eval/ models/

Generate Script


To generate new transcripts using the trained model, you can use the generate_script.py script. This script generates new text based on a given prompt using a pre-trained transformer model. The generated text is saved to a specified directory.

python3 generate_script.py [-h] [--max_length MAX_LENGTH]
                          [--num_sequences NUM_SEQUENCES] [--do_sample DO_SAMPLE]
                          model_dir results_dir prompt [prompt ...]


  • model_dir: Path to the directory where the pre-trained model is stored.
  • results_dir: Path to the directory where the generated text should be stored.
  • prompt: The prompt to generate new text from.
  • --max_length: The maximum number of tokens to generate. Default is 10000.
  • --num_sequences: The number of independent sequences to generate for each prompt. Default is 1.
  • --do_sample: Whether to use sampling or greedy decoding to generate new text. Default is True.


python3 generate_script.py models/ results/ "You are being watched." --num_sequences 100

All together

To execute all the step (preprocessing, training and generating) in one command you can simply use the script:

python3 main.py

Folder Structure

The following is the recommended folder structure for this project:

├── data
│   └── person_of_interest
│       ├── train
│       │   ├── raw
│       │   │   ├── season_1
│       │   │   │   ├── episode_1.txt
│       │   │   │   ├── ...
│       │   │   │── season_2
│       │   │   │── ...
│       │   └── cleaned
│       │       ├── season_1
│       │       │   ├── episode_20.txt
│       │       │   ├── ...
│       │       │── season_2
│       │       │── ...
│       │   
│       └── eval
│           ├── raw
│           │   ├── season_1
│           │   │   ├── episode_20.txt
│           │   │   ├── ...
│           │   │── season_2
│           │   │── ...
│           └── cleaned
│               ├── season_1
│               │   ├── episode_20.txt
│               │   ├── ...
│               │── season_2
│               │── ...
├── models
├── results
├── train_model.py
├── generate_script.py
├── preprocess_text.py
├── .gitignore
├── requirements.txt
└── README.md

The data directory should contain the transcripts for the TV series, organized by season and episode.
The models directory should contain the trained language models, organized by model name.
The results directory should contain the generated text, outputed by the trained and saved model.
The preprocess_text.py is used to preprocess the text applying diverse operations
The train_model.py and generate_script.py scripts are used for training and generating text, respectively.
The .gitignore file specifies files and directories that should be ignored by Git.
The requirements.txt file list all the necessary packages to run the project.
The README.md file is the documentation for the project.


Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find a bug, have a feature request, or want to contribute code, please open an issue or pull request on the project's GitHub page.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.