
A Modern Tetris game built with Rust using Macroquad.

Try online here


  • SRS (Super Rotation System)
  • DAS, ARR, Soft Drop Gravity and Keybind customization
  • Visual effects
    • Global Lighting
    • Gamefield Frame
    • Different Materials for Moving/Freezing/Finalized Blocks
    • Clear effects
  • Game Modes
    • 40 Lines Sprint
    • Marathon
  • Sound effects
  • Gameplay Polishing


Native build

cargo run --release

WebAssembly build

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

# host locally with a web server
cp target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/quadtris.wasm web/
cd web
cp -r ../res .
npx serve .

See also

  • NullpoMino is an open-source action puzzle game that works on the Java platform. It has a wide variety of single-player modes and netplay to allow players to compete over the Internet or LAN.