Alternative Laravel Octane swoole server starter

With this package your swoole server continue work even if you change code with syntax error. Original server stops in this case.


Install package

composer require ensi/octane-swoole-urgent-starter

and add this section to config/octane.php file

'swoole' => [
    'command' => '/var/www/vendor/bin/urgent-swoole-server',
    'show_fatal_error' => env('OCTANE_SHOW_FATAL_ERROR', false),


Just start octane server with swoole backend and --watch option, and see how it reloads after very fatal errors.
If you want to see error message in http response, set true to OCTANE_SHOW_FATAL_ERROR environment variable.

When service works in ELC workspace

Old elc workspace template uses hack for reloading code without container restarts.
You should to replace last artisan command in templates/swoole-X.X/php/entrypoint to this

OCTANE_SHOW_FATAL_ERROR=true php artisan octane:swoole --watch --host= --workers=1 --task-workers=1 || sleep 3600


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