Created by Sebastian Dichler, 2017
The pixelgen program is generating the mandelbrot picture and writes the pixels into a local memory. This memory is moved into a global, shared memory.
The writepic program is reading the pixels from the shared memory and writes them into a ppm P3 picture.
The whole process is running in a while loop and zooms out of the standard zoom.
Debug messages appear read and time calculation messages appear in yellow background
Format input:
./writepic ./pixelgen -w 3840 -h 2160 -i 30000 -c 1
Useable parameters
-w to change Image width -h to change Image height -i to change iterations -t to change zoom 0 the default template 1 for 1st template 2 for 2nd template 3 for 3rd template 4 for 4th template 5 for 5th template 6 for 6th template 7 for 7th template 8 for 8th template 9 for 9th template 10 for 10th template -c change color type 1 for sinus cyan 2 for sinus red 3 for sinus green 4 for sinus blue 5 for PT1 cyan 6 for PT1 red 7 for PT1 green 8 for PT1 blue 9 for LOG LOG colorfull (use less iterations) 0 for LOG LOG all channels -? to print help message