
MANDELBROT GENERATOR / Semaphores / Shared Memory

Primary LanguageC


Created by Sebastian Dichler, 2017

The pixelgen program is generating the mandelbrot picture and writes the pixels into a local memory. This memory is moved into a global, shared memory.
The writepic program is reading the pixels from the shared memory and writes them into a ppm P3 picture.

The whole process is running in a while loop and zooms out of the standard zoom.

Please run writepic before pixelgen and stop it before pixelgen due to possible data loss!

Debug messages appear read and time calculation messages appear in yellow background
Format input:

./pixelgen -w 3840 -h 2160 -i 30000 -c 1  

Useable parameters

-w    to change Image width  
-h    to change Image height  
-i    to change iterations  
-t    to change zoom  
  0   the default template  
  1   for 1st template  
  2   for 2nd template  
  3   for 3rd template  
  4   for 4th template  
  5   for 5th template  
  6   for 6th template  
  7   for 7th template  
  8   for 8th template  
  9   for 9th template  
  10  for 10th template  
-c    change color type  
  1   for sinus cyan  
  2   for sinus red  
  3   for sinus green  
  4   for sinus blue  
  5   for PT1 cyan  
  6   for PT1 red  
  7   for PT1 green  
  8   for PT1 blue  
  9   for LOG LOG colorfull (use less iterations)  
  0   for LOG LOG all channels  
-?    to print help message