The Little Typer

Seattle.rb Study Group on the book "Little Typer". To get access, create a pull request to get permissions to push your changes.


We physically meet Tuesdays before the Weekly Hack night at Vivace or Substantial. We also have a slack channel #study_typer for virtual meetings.

Tentative Schedule:

Here's a tentative schedule. For that week, we'll read through those two chapters and discuss.

  • Week 1: Kickoff!
  • Week 2: Chapter 1 & 2
  • Week 3: Chapter 3 & 4
  • Week 4: Chapter 5
  • Week 5: Chapter 6
  • Week 6: Chapter 7
  • Week 7: Chapter 8
  • Week 8: Chapter 9
  • Week 10: Chapter 10
  • Week 11: Chapter 11
  • Week 12: Chapter 12
  • Week 13: Chapter 13
  • Week 14: Chapter 14
  • Week 15: Chapter 15
  • Week 16: Chapter 16

(this is probably bullshit and needs review / editing) (damn... 16 weeks seems like a LOT)

Project Structure:

Feel free to create a directory for your account name and submit any code.

Basic requests:

  • Please no merge commits, flat history is better.
  • Working in your own sub-directory means no conflicts.
  • Pull & rebase before you push so your history is consolidated.
  • Use PRs if you want to get extra reviews. Push directly otherwise.

Please make sure to follow Ryan's James Brown Guide to git etiquette:

down = pull --rebase
onup = push

Now you too can join the James Brown school of git:

git down && git onup

This will avoid the merge commits and auto-rebase for you.