
A React Native ListView component with rows that swipe open and closed

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


<SwipeListView> is a ListView with rows that swipe open and closed. Handles default native behavior such as closing rows when ListView is scrolled or when other rows are opened.

Also includes <SwipeRow> if you want to use a swipeable row outside of the <SwipeListView>

v0.1.0 introduced a breaking change if you had implemented the "Manually Closing Rows" functionality. See Manually Closing Rows or example.js for the new implementation.




npm install --save react-native-swipe-list-view

Running the example

The application under ./SwipeListExample will produce the above example. To run execute the following:

  • git clone https://github.com/jemise111/react-native-swipe-list-view.git
  • cd react-native-swipe-list-view
  • cd SwipeListExample
  • npm install
  • react-native run-ios | react-native run-android


import { SwipeListView } from 'react-native-swipe-list-view';

render() {
	const ds = new ListView.DataSource({rowHasChanged: (r1, r2) => r1 !== r2});
	return (
			renderRow={ data => (
				<View style={styles.rowFront}>
					<Text>I am {data} in a SwipeListView</Text>
			renderHiddenRow={ data => (
				<View style={styles.rowBack}>

See example.js for full usage guide (including using <SwipeRow> by itself)


If your row is touchable (TouchableOpacity, TouchableHighlight, etc.) with an onPress function make sure renderRow returns the Touchable as the topmost element.


renderRow={ data => (
	<TouchableHighlight onPress={this.doSomething.bind(this)}>
	        <Text>I am {data} in a SwipeListView</Text>


renderRow={ data => (
	    <TouchableHighlight onPress={this.doSomething.bind(this)}>
	        <Text>I am {data} in a SwipeListView</Text>

Manually closing rows:

If your row or hidden row renders a touchable child and you'd like that touchable to close the row note that the renderRow and renderHiddenRow functions are passed rowData, secId, rowId, rowMap. The rowMap is an object that looks like:

    row_hash_1: ref_to_row_1,
    row_hash_2: ref_to_row_2

Where each row_hash is a string that looks like '<section_id><row_id>'

Each row's ref has a public method called closeRow that will swipe the row closed. So you can do something like:

    renderHiddenRow={ (data, secdId, rowId, rowMap) => {
        <TouchableOpacity onPress={ _ => rowMap[`${secId}${rowId}`].closeRow() }>
            <Text>I close the row</Text>

If you are using the standalone <SwipeRow> you can just keep a ref to the component and call closeRow() on that ref.

Per row behavior:

If you need rows to behave independently you can return a <SwipeRow> in the renderRow function. Make sure you import the <SwipeRow> in addition to the <SwipeListView>. See the example below and the docs under API for how to implement a custom <SwipeRow>. There is also a full example in example.js.

The following values can be dynamic by passing them as props on the <SwipeRow>:

  • leftOpenValue
  • rightOpenValue
  • stopLeftSwipe
  • stopRightSwipe
  • closeOnRowPress
  • disableLeftSwipe
  • disableRightSwipe
  • recalculateHiddenLayout
import { SwipeListView, SwipeRow } from 'react-native-swipe-list-view';

	renderRow={ (data, secId, rowId) => (
			disableRightSwipe={parseInt(rowId) % 2 !== 0}
			disableLeftSwipe={parseInt(rowId) % 2 === 0}
			leftOpenValue={20 + parseInt(rowId) * 5}
			<View style={styles.rowBack}>
				<Text>Left Hidden</Text>
				<Text>Right Hidden</Text>
			<View style={styles.rowFront}>
				<Text>Row front | {data}</Text>

Note on RN 0.28 and {flex: 1}:

React Native 0.28 introduced new behavior when using flex: 1. The <SwipeRow> container <View> no longer has flex: 1 by default. If this is causing issues in your app you can maintain the old behavior by passing swipeRowStyle={{flex: 1}} to your <SwipeListView> or style={{flex: 1}} to your <SwipeRow>.


SwipeListView (component)

ListView that renders SwipeRows.



Should open rows be closed when a row is pressed

type: bool defaultValue: true


Should open rows be closed when the listView begins scrolling

type: bool defaultValue: true


TranslateX value for opening the row to the left (positive number)

type: number defaultValue: 0


How to render a hidden row (renders behind the row). Should return a valid React Element. This is required unless renderRow returns a <SwipeRow> (see Per Row Behavior).

type: func

renderRow (required)

How to render a row. Should return a valid React Element.

type: func


TranslateX value for opening the row to the right (negative number)

type: number defaultValue: 0


Disable ability to swipe the row left

type: bool defaultValue: false


Disable ability to swipe the row right

type: bool defaultValue: false


Enable hidden row onLayout calculations to run always.

By default, hidden row size calculations are only done on the first onLayout event for performance reasons. Passing true here will cause calculations to run on every onLayout event. You may want to do this if your rows' sizes can change. One case is a SwipeListView with rows of different heights and an options to delete rows.

type: bool defaultValue: false


Called when a swipe row is animating closed

type: func


Called when a swipe row is animating open

type: func


Styles for the parent wrapper View of the SwipeRow

type: object


Called when the ListView ref is set and passes a ref to the ListView e.g. listViewRef={ ref => this._swipeListViewRef = ref }

type: func


Should the first SwipeRow do a slide out preview to show that the list is swipeable

type: bool defaultValue: false


Duration of the slide out preview animation

type: number


TranslateX value for the slide out preview animation Default: 0.5 * props.rightOpenValue

type: number

SwipeRow (component)

Row that is generally used in a SwipeListView. If you are rendering a SwipeRow explicitly you must pass the SwipeRow exactly two children. The first will be rendered behind the second. e.g.

      <View style={hiddenRowStyle} />
      <View style={visibleRowStyle} />



Should the row be closed when it is tapped

type: bool defaultValue: true


Friction for the open / close animation

type: number


TranslateX value for opening the row to the left (positive number)

type: number defaultValue: 0


TranslateX value for stop the row to the left (positive number)

type: number


TranslateX value for stop the row to the right (negative number)

type: number


Called when a swipe row is pressed.

type: func


Called when a swipe row is animating open. Used by the SwipeListView to keep references to open rows.

type: func


Called when a swipe row is animating closed

type: func


TranslateX value for opening the row to the right (negative number)

type: number defaultValue: 0


Used by the SwipeListView to close rows on scroll events. You shouldn't need to use this prop explicitly.

type: func


Tension for the open / close animation

type: number


Disable ability to swipe the row left

type: bool defaultValue: false


Disable ability to swipe the row right

type: bool defaultValue: false


Enable hidden row onLayout calculations to run always

type: bool defaultValue: false


Styles for the parent wrapper View of the SwipeRow

type: object


Should the row do a slide out preview to show that it is swipeable

type: bool defaultValue: false


Duration of the slide out preview animation

type: number defaultValue: 300


TranslateX value for the slide out preview animation Default: 0.5 * props.rightOpenValue

type: number

Note: Core Support

RN Core added a SwipeList component as of v0.27.0

It is actively being worked on and has no documentation yet. So I will continue to maintain this component until a future date.
