
MinIO's backend has been modified to use objects instead of files

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


S3-Kinetic is a fork of MinIO, specifically this release. Much of this repository is identical to its MinIO counterpart; however, several files have been added and/or modified(link).

These modifications allow MinIO's S3 server to interface with kineticd, an on-disk key-value storage application developed by Seagate. This code depends heavily on libraries from kineticd; it will not compile without kineticd.

When compiled, this code produces an executable, s3kinetic, that runs an S3 server largely similar to that provided by a local MinIO executable. However, s3kinetic will store incoming data (e.g., from an S3 PutObject request) in a key-value database derived from kineticd, rather than employing a traditional filesystem as a standard MinIO server would.

This repository was developed as part of an effort to explore additional functionalities for kineticd. It is an experimental repository and will NOT function as a drop-in replacement for MinIO.


Optional, but recommended: s3cmd, simple command line tool for S3 testing


  1. Compile kineticd for x86 or ARM according to your system architecture
  2. Clone (or move) the S3-Kinetic repository into the the same parent directory as kineticd
  3. Compile s3kinetic with make clean x86

Installing the memMgr kernel module

S3-Kinetic depends on memMgr, a kernel memory management module included in kineticd's source code. To install this module:

# Compile and insert
cd kineticd/driver/memMgr
sudo insmod memMgr_drv.ko

# Create device node
cat /proc/devices | grep mem   # retrieve major device number for memMgr
sudo mknod /dev/memMgr c <MAJOR_NUMBER> 0

Installing libkinetic

At the moment, the only way to perform certain backend operations on S3-Kinetic - i.e. erasing and rebuilding a database for the server - is to use the kctl module provided by libkinetic.

  • Download the develop branch of libkinetic - only this branch will work for S3-Kinetic:
 git clone --recurse-submodules -b develop https://gitlab.com/kinetic-storage/libkinetic.git   
  • Configure protobuf-c:
cd libkinetic/vendor/protobuf-c
  • Compile libkinetic and kctl:
cd libkinetic

Note: libkinetic depends on protobuf-2.6.1. This library should already be installed by kineticd. If libkinetic is unable to locate this library, refer to the libkinetic README for installation instructions

Operating the Server

Starting the server

Start the S3-Kinetic server with

sudo ./s3kinetic server[.x86 | .arm] kinetic:skinny:<SHORT_DEVICE_PATH> kineticd --store_device=<DEVICE_PATH>

where <DEVICE_PATH> represents the full path to your spare drive's device file, e.g. /dev/sdb, and <SHORT_DEVICE_PATH> represents the specific device file within /dev, e.g. sdb.

For example, to run the S3-Kinetic server on an x86 platform, using /dev/sdb as S3-Kinetic's backing store:

sudo ./skinetic.x86 server kinetic:skinny:sdb kineticd --store_device=/dev/sdb

Opening or clearing a database

S3-Kinetic will attempt to reopen a Kinetic database if one exists on the target device. However, if the database is corrupt or nonexistent, S3-Kinetic will not create a new database by default. To erase any existing data and establish a new database, perform the following commands while S3-Kinetic or kineticd are running:

cd libkinetic/toolbox/kctl
./kctl -h -s device erase

This command will attempt to establish a connection with a kineticd/s3kinetic server on the same machine, erase the server's database, and create a new database.

A large amount of console output will be generated upon issuing the erase command; the server will indicate that the process is complete with the following lines:

[I0626 15:16:25.299952 478545 server.cc:821] ========== In Restore Drive State
[I0626 15:16:25.300041 478545 server.cc:821] ========== In Ready State

Testing the server with s3cmd

The S3-Kinetic server will accept properly formatted S3 requests from any source. s3cmd is a lightweight tool that can easily be used to test the server's functionality. After downloading and installing s3cmd, modify or add the following lines to your ~/.s3cfg file:

host_base =      # default S3-Kinetic server IP:port
host_bucket =
use_https = False
access_key =  minioadmin
secret_key = minioadmin  
signature_v2 = False

After configuring s3cmd, test out the server with the following commands:

# Create a bucket
$> s3cmd mb s3://testbucket

# Store (PUT) an object (<5MB)
$> s3cmd put your_file.txt s3://testbucket

# Store (PUT) a multipart object (>5MB)
#$> s3cmd put --multipart-chunk-size=5MB your_big_file.txt s3://testbucket

# Retrieve (GET) an object
$> s3cmd get s3://testbucket/your_file.txt

# Delete an object
$> s3cmd del s3://testbucket/your_file.txt

# Delete a bucket
$> s3cmd rb [--recursive for non-empty buckets] s3://testbucket

See s3cmd usage for a complete list of operations supported by s3cmd.

Features and Limitations

S3-Kinetic supports a limited set of fundamental S3 operations:

  • Creating and deleting buckets
  • Uploading, downloading, and deleting objects from buckets
  • Renaming buckets and objects
  • Copying objects between buckets
  • Multipart uploads (with 5MB chunk sizes)

However, S3-Kinetic does not currently support:

  • S3 SELECT queries
  • Object/bucket versioning
  • Access Control Lists (ACLs)
  • MinIO Client (mc)
  • MinIO Browser

S3-Kinetic does not have a maximum object size; however, any objects larger than 5MB must be uploaded as multipart objects in <=5MB chunks.


This repository is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, as it was forked from an APL-licensed release of MinIO (RELEASE.2019-10-12T01-39-57Z). This code is NOT subject to the AGPL-3.0 license used by newer releases of MinIO. A copy of this repository's license can be found in the LICENSE file or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.