
A shiny new reduce-like macro

Primary LanguageClojure


reducate is a new fancy shiny reduce-like macro! You'll love it!


Ever get tired of function literals in your reduce? When you get tired of them with map, you can switch to a for macro, but no such luck with reduce ... until now!

(def words [["delicious" "coffee"]
            ["scrumptious" "scones"]
            ["hungry" "hackers"]])

;; the old way
(reduce (fn [acc [adj noun]] (conj acc adj)) 
        [] words)
;; => ["delicious" "scrumptious" "hungry"]

;; but look!
(reducate [acc []] [[adj noun] words]
  (conj acc adj))
;; => ["delicious" "scrumptious" "hungry"]


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