
Tools to build reference documentation for Kubernetes APIs and CLIs.

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Kubernetes API resources documentation generator

This tool extracts information from the OpenAPI specification file of the Kubernetes API and creates documentation in Markdown format, suitable for the Kubernetes website.


The documentation is split into parts. Each part can contain any number of chapters. A chapter describes:

  • a main Kubernetes resource,
  • any resources and definitions associated with the main resource,
  • any Operations operating on the resources documented in the chapter.

The parts and chapters are defined in the config/<version>/toc.yaml file.

- name: Part I
  - name: Deployment
    group: apps
    version: v1
  - name: Pod
    group: ""
    version: v1
    - PodSpec
    - Container
    - Handler
    - NodeAffinity
    - PodAffinity
    - PodAntiAffinity
    - Probe
    - PodStatus
    - PodList
- name: Part II
  - name: Service
    group: ""
    version: v1

In this example, the first part contains two chapters and the second part one chapter.

The first chapter describes the main Deployment resource (from the apps group and the v1 version) and its associated resources and definitions. By default, if no otherDefinitions are defined, the associated resources are the List resource and the Spec and Status definitions, if appropriate. In this case, Deployment, DeploymentList, DeploymentSpec and DeploymentStatus are documented.

The second chapter first describes the main Pod resource. The other resources and definitions documented in the chapter are listed in the otherDefinitions field.

Definition Documentation

For each definition (including resources, which are definitions attached to a Group/Version), the fields are listed, with their type and documentation.

Documentation of composite types

If the type of a field is a composite type, the Definition of this composite type is documented either inline if this Definition is not documented elsewhere, or the type name is a link pointing to the definition of the composite type.


- affinity (Affinity)   <-- composite type

  If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints
  Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules.             |
  - affinity.nodeAffinity (NodeAffinity) <-- link to definition |
    Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.       |    Inline
                                                                | definition of
  - affinity.podAffinity (PodAffinity) <-- link to definition   |    Affinity
                                                                | composite type
    Describes pod affinity scheduling rules (e.g. co-locate this|
    pod in the same node, zone, etc. as some other pod(s)).     |
  - affinity.podAntiAffinity (PodAntiAffinity) <-- link to def. |
    Describes pod anti-affinity scheduling rules (e.g. avoid    |
    putting this pod in the same node, zone, etc. as some other |
    pod(s)).                                                  --/

In this example, the affinity field type is Affinity, which is a composite type. Because the Affinity definition is not listed in any of the otherDefinitions, this definition is documented inline.

The nodeAffinity field type of the Affinity composite type is NodeAffinity, which is listed in a otherDefinitions. For this reason, this composite type is not documented inline, but the NodeAffinity is a link to the definition elsewhere in the documentation. Same for the podAffinity and PodAntiAffinity fields.

Ordering and categorization of fields

By default, the fields of a Definition are rendered in alphabetic order. The content/<version>/fields.yaml file is used to order the fields in another order, and also to group fields into categories.

- definition: io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodSpec
  - name: Containers
    - containers
    - initContainers
    - imagePullSecrets
    - enableServiceLinks
  - name: Volumes
    - volumes
  - name: Scheduling
    - nodeSelector
    - nodeName
    - affinity
    - tolerations
    - schedulerName
    - runtimeClassName
    - priorityClassName
    - priority

In this example, the fields of the PodSpec definition are grouped and ordered in Containers, Volumes, Scheduling and other categories.

Note that if a Definition appears in the fields.yaml file and some fields of the definition do not appear in the list of fields, the program will indicate that these fields are missing.

The name attribute of field_categories in fields.yaml is optional. You can omit name when you want either to specify the order of the fields for a Definition without creating a category, or to place some fields outside of any category, before other categories.

Common definitions

The toc.yaml file defines a Common Definitions part, containing a list of Definitions that are used in different places in the Kubernetes API.

This way, a composite type can be documented in three places:

  • inline where this composite type is used (by default),
  • in a specific chapter, if the Definition is listed in otherDefinitions,
  • in the Common Definitions part.