
The smoothest mobile GambleFi experience

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Cash Markets: GambleFi on Aptos


Welcome to Zion Bets, a GambleFi project on the Aptos blockchain. Our platform is secured by on-chain randomness, offering a fast, transparent, and verifiable gambling experience.


  • Non-Custodial: We never have access to user funds.
  • Transparent: Users can always see and access our reserves.
  • Verifiable: Public, unbiased, and verifiable random number generation.
  • Fast: Ultra-fast betting.
  • Secure: Audited MOVE contracts with built-in safety features.
  • Smooth Mobile UX: Play and chat live with friends in a seamless mobile experience.


The crash.move module implements the core functionality of the crash game. It includes the following key functions:

  • initialize_game: Sets up a new game with initial parameters.
  • place_bet: Allows users to place bets on the current game.
  • generate_randomness: Uses on-chain randomness to determine the crash point.
  • end_game: Ends the current game, calculates outcomes, and distributes winnings.

The liquidity_pool.move module manages the liquidity pool for Zion Bets. Key functions include:

  • add_liquidity: Allows users to add funds to the liquidity pool.
  • remove_liquidity: Enables users to withdraw their funds from the pool.
  • calculate_payout: Computes the payout for winning bets based on the current pool size.
  • distribute_fees: Allocates a portion of game fees to the liquidity pool and the platform.
  init: {
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graph TD
    subgraph Users
        LP["Liquidity Provider"]

    subgraph "Crash Game Module"
        CrashState["State struct<br>- signer_cap: SignerCapability<br>- current_game: Option<Game><br>- Various EventHandles"]
        CrashGame["Game struct<br>- start_time_ms: u64<br>- house_secret_hash: vector<u8><br>- salt_hash: vector<u8><br>- randomness: u64<br>- bets: SimpleMap<address, Bet>"]
        CrashBet["Bet struct<br>- player: address<br>- bet_amount: u64<br>- cash_out: Option<u64>"]
        StartGame["start_game(admin: &signer, house_secret_hash: vector<u8>, salt_hash: vector<u8>)"]
        PlaceBet["place_bet(player: &signer, bet_amount: u64)"]
        CashOut["cash_out(admin: &signer, player: address, cash_out: u64)"]
        RevealCrashPoint["reveal_crashpoint_and_distribute_winnings(salted_house_secret: vector<u8>, salt: vector<u8>)"]
        CalcCrashPoint["calculate_crash_point_with_randomness(randomness: u64, house_secret: String): u64"]

    subgraph "Liquidity Pool Module"
        LPState["State struct<br>- signer_cap: SignerCapability<br>- Various EventHandles"]
        LiquidityPool["LiquidityPool struct<br>- reserve_coin: Coin<ZAPT><br>- locked_liquidity: Coin<LPCoin><br>- lp_coin_mint_cap: MintCapability<LPCoin><br>- lp_coin_burn_cap: BurnCapability<LPCoin>"]
        SupplyLiquidity["supply_liquidity(supplier: &signer, supply_amount: u64)"]
        RemoveLiquidity["remove_liquidity(supplier: &signer, lp_coin_amount: u64)"]
        ExtractReserve["extract_reserve_coins(amount: u64): Coin<ZAPT>"]
        PutReserve["put_reserve_coins(coin: Coin<ZAPT>)"]

    subgraph "Key Variables and Constants"
        ReserveCoin["reserve_coin: Coin<ZAPT><br>(Holds the pool's funds)"]
        CrashPoint["crash_point: u64<br>(Calculated point where the game crashes)"]
        Constants["Constants:<br>SEED: vector<u8><br>MAX_CRASH_POINT: u128<br>COUNTDOWN_MS: u64"]

    %% User Interactions
    Admin -->|Initiates game| StartGame
    Admin -->|Reveals crash point| RevealCrashPoint
    Player -->|Places bet| PlaceBet
    Player -->|Requests cashout| CashOut
    LP -->|Adds liquidity| SupplyLiquidity
    LP -->|Removes liquidity| RemoveLiquidity

    %% Crash Game Relationships
    CrashState -->|Contains| CrashGame
    CrashGame -->|Contains| CrashBet
    StartGame -->|Initializes| CrashGame
    PlaceBet -->|Modifies| CrashGame
    CashOut -->|Modifies| CrashGame
    RevealCrashPoint -->|Uses| CrashGame
    RevealCrashPoint -->|Calls| CalcCrashPoint

    %% Liquidity Pool Relationships
    LPState -->|Contains| LiquidityPool
    LiquidityPool -->|Manages| ReserveCoin

    %% Inter-module Relationships
    PlaceBet -.->|Calls| ExtractReserve
    RevealCrashPoint -.->|Calls| PutReserve

    %% Flow of Funds
    SupplyLiquidity -->|Increases| ReserveCoin
    RemoveLiquidity -->|Decreases| ReserveCoin
    ExtractReserve -->|Extracts from| ReserveCoin
    PutReserve -->|Adds to| ReserveCoin

    %% Key Variables Usage
    CalcCrashPoint -->|Calculates| CrashPoint

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    classDef legend fill:#000000,stroke:#00FF00,stroke-width:2px,color:#00FF00;
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    class Admin,Player,LP user;
    class CrashState,CrashGame,CrashBet,LPState,LiquidityPool struct;
    class StartGame,PlaceBet,CashOut,RevealCrashPoint,CalcCrashPoint,SupplyLiquidity,RemoveLiquidity,ExtractReserve,PutReserve function;
    class ReserveCoin,CrashPoint,Constants variable;
    class L1,L2,L3,L4,L5 legend;