
Sync to QuickBooks, Xero, NetSuite, and more.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Gem Version Coverage Status


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ledger_sync'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ledger_sync


To use LedgerSync, you must create an Operation. The operation will be ledger-specific and will require the following:

  1. Adaptor
  2. Resource(s)

The code may look like the following:

# First we create an adaptor, which is our connection to a ledger.
# Each ledger may require different keys, so check the
# documentation below for specifics.
adaptor = LedgerSync::Adaptors::QuickBooksOnline::Adaptor.new(
  access_token: access_token, # assuming this is defined
  refresh_token: refresh_token, # assuming this is defined

# Create a resource on which to operate.  Some resources have
# relationships with other resources.  You can use
# `Util::ResourcesBuilder` to create resources and relationships from
# a structured hash.
resource = LedgerSync::Customer.new(
  name: 'Sample Customer',
  email: 'test@example.com'

# Create the operation we want to perform.
operation = LedgerSync::Adaptors::QuickBooksOnline::Customer::Operations::Create.new(
  adaptor: adaptor,
  resource: resource

result = operation.perform # Returns a LedgerSync::OperationResult

if result.success?
  resource = result.operation.resource
  # Do something with resource
else # result.failure?
  raise result.error

# Because QuickBooks Online uses Oauth 2, you must always be sure to
# save the access_token, refresh_token, and expirations as they can
# change with any API call.
result.operation.adaptor.ledger_attributes_to_save.each do |key, value|
  # save values

How it Works

The Library Structure

This library consists of two important layers:

  1. Resources
  2. Adaptors


Resources are named ruby objects (e.g. Customer, Payment, etc.) with strict attributes (e.g. name, amount, etc.). They are a layer between your application and an adaptor. They can be validated using an adaptor. You can create and use the resources, and an adaptor will update resources as needed based on the intention and outcome of that operation.

You can find supported resources by calling LedgerSync.resources.

Resources have defined attributes. Attributes are explicitly defined. An error is thrown if an unknown attribute is passed to it. You can retrieve the attributes of a resource by calling LedgerSync::Customer.attributes.

A subset of these attributes may be a reference, which is simply a special type of attribute that references another resource. You can retrieve the references of a resource by calling LedgerSync::Customer.references.


Adaptors are ledger-specific ruby objects that contain all the logic to authenticate to a ledger, perform ledger-specific operations, and validate resources based on the requirements of the ledger. Adaptors contain a number of useful objects:

  • adaptor
  • operations
  • searchers


The adaptor handles authentication and requests to the ledger. Each adaptors initializer will vary based on the needs of that ledger.


Each adaptor defines operations that can be performed on specific resources (e.g. Customer::Operations::Update, Payment::Operations::Create). The operation defines two key things:

  • a Contract class which is used to validate the resource using the dry-validation gem
  • a perform instance method, which handles the actual API requests and response/error handling.

Note: Adaptors may support different operations for each resource type.


Searchers are used to search objects in the ledger. A searcher takes an adaptor, query string and optional pagination hash. For example, to search customer's by name:

searcher = LedgerSync::Adaptors::QuickBooksOnline::Customer::Searcher.new(
  adaptor: adaptor # assuming this is defined,
  query: 'test'

result = searcher.search # returns a LedgerSync::SearchResult

if result.success?
  resources = result.resources
  # Do something with found resources
else # result.failure?
  raise result.error

# Different ledgers may use different pagination strategies.  In order
# to get the next and previous set of results, you can use the following:
next_searcher = searcher.next_searcher
previous_searcher = searcher.previous_searcher


The NetSuite adaptor leverages NetSuite's REST API.

Resource Metadata and Schemas

Due to NetSuites granular user permissions and custom attributes, resources and methods for those resources can vary from one user (a.k.a. token) to another. Because of this variance, there are some helper classes that allow you to retrieve NetSuite records, allowed methods, attributes/parameters, etc.

To retrieve the metadata for a record:

metadata = LedgerSync::Adaptors::NetSuite::Record::Metadata.new(
  adaptor: netsuite_adaptor, # Assuming this is previous defined
  record: :customer

puts metadata.http_methods # Returns a list of LedgerSync::Adaptors::NetSuite::Record::HTTPMethod objects
puts metadata.properties # Returns a list of LedgerSync::Adaptors::NetSuite::Record::Property objects


NetSuite SOAP

LedgerSync supports the NetSuite SOAP adaptor, leveraging the NetSuite gem. The adaptor and sample operations are provided, though the main NetSuite adaptor uses the REST API.


QuickBooks Online


QuickBooks Online utilizes OAuth 2.0, which requires frequent refreshing of the access token. The adaptor will handle this automatically, attempting a single token refresh on any single request authentication failure. Depending on how you use the library, every adaptor has implements a class method ledger_attributes_to_save, which is an array of attributes that may change as the adaptor is used. You can also call the instance method ledger_attributes_to_save which will be a hash of these values. It is a good practice to always store these attributes if you are saving access tokens in your database.

The adaptor also implements some helper methods for getting tokens. For example, you can set up an adaptor using the following:

# Retrieve the following values from Intuit app settings
client_id     = 'ID'
client_secret = 'SECRET'
redirect_uri  = 'http://localhost:3000'

oauth_client = LedgerSync::Adaptors::QuickBooksOnline::OAuthClientHelper.new(
  client_id: client_id,
  client_secret: client_secret

puts oauth_client.authorization_url(redirect_uri: redirect_uri)

# Visit on the output URL and authorize a company.
# You will be redirected back to the redirect_uri.
# Copy the full url from your browser:

uri = 'https://localhost:3000/?code=FOO&state=BAR&realm_id=BAZ'

adaptor = LedgerSync::Adaptors::QuickBooksOnline::Adaptor.new_from_oauth_client_uri(
  oauth_client: oauth_client,
  uri: uri

# You can test that the auth works:


Note: If you have a .env file storing your secrets, the adaptor will automatically update the variables and record previous values whenever values change


Reference: QuickBooks Online Webhook Documentation

LedgerSync offers an easy way to validate and parse webhook payloads. It also allows you to easily fetch the resources referenced. You can create and use a webhook with the following:

# Assuming `request` is the webhook request received from Quickbooks Online
webhook = LedgerSync::Adaptors::QuickBooksOnline::Webhook.new(
  payload: request.body.read # It accepts a JSON string or hash

verification_token = WEBHOOK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN # You get this token when you create webhooks in the QuickBooks Online dashboard
signature = request.headers['intuit-signature']
raise 'Not valid' unless webhook.valid?(signature: signature, verification_token: verification_token)

# Although not yet used, webhooks may include notifications for multiple realms
webhook.notifications.each do |notification|
  puts notification.realm_id

  # Multiple events may be referenced.
  notification.events.each do |event|
    puts event.resource # Returns a LedgerSync resource with the `ledger_id` set

    # Other helpful methods
    notification.find_operation_class(adaptor: your_quickbooks_adaptor_instance) # The respective Find class
    notification.find_operation(adaptor: your_quickbooks_adaptor_instance) # The initialized respective Find operation
    notification.find(adaptor: your_quickbooks_adaptor_instance) # Performs a Find operation for the resource retrieving the latest version from QuickBooks Online

  # Other helpful methods
  notification.resources # All resources for a given webhook across all events

# Other helpful methods
webhook.events # All events for a given webhook across all realms
webhook.resources # All events for a given webhook across all realms and events


Tips and More

Keyword Arguments

LedgerSync heavily uses ruby keyword arguments so as to make it clear what values are being passed and which attributes are required. When this README says something like "the fun_function function takes the argument foo" that translates to fun_function(foo: :some_value).


Most objects in LedgerSync can be fingerprinted by calling the instance method fingerprint. For example:

puts LedgerSync::Customer.new.fingerprint # "b3eab7ec00431a4ae0468fee72e5ba8f"

puts LedgerSync::Customer.new.fingerprint == LedgerSync::Customer.new.fingerprint # true
puts LedgerSync::Customer.new.fingerprint == LedgerSync::Customer.new(name: :foo).fingerprint # false
puts LedgerSync::Customer.new.fingerprint == LedgerSync::Payment.new.fingerprint # false

Fingerprints are used to compare objects. This method is used in de-duping objects, as it only considers the data inside and not the instance itself (as shown above).


Most objects in LedgerSync can be serialized by calling the instance method serialize. For example:

puts LedgerSync::Payment.new(
  customer: LedgerSync::Customer.new

  root: "LedgerSync::Payment/8eed81c0177801a001f2544f0c85e21d",
  objects: {
    "LedgerSync::Payment/8eed81c0177801a001f2544f0c85e21d": {
      id: "LedgerSync::Payment/8eed81c0177801a001f2544f0c85e21d",
      object: "LedgerSync::Payment",
      fingeprint: "8eed81c0177801a001f2544f0c85e21d",
      data: {
        currency: nil,
        amount: nil,
        customer: {
          object: "reference",
          id: "LedgerSync::Customer/b3eab7ec00431a4ae0468fee72e5ba8f"
        external_id: "",
        ledger_id: nil,

    "LedgerSync::Customer/b3eab7ec00431a4ae0468fee72e5ba8f": {
      id: "LedgerSync::Customer/b3eab7ec00431a4ae0468fee72e5ba8f",
      object: "LedgerSync::Customer",
      fingeprint: "b3eab7ec00431a4ae0468fee72e5ba8f",
      data: {
        name: nil,
        email: nil,
        phone_number: nil,
        external_id: "",
        ledger_id: nil

The serialization of any object follows the same structure. There is a :root key that holds the ID of the root object. There is also an :objects hash that contains all of the objects for this serialization. As you can see, unique nested objects listed in the :objects hash and referenced using a "reference object", in this case:

  object: "reference",
  id: "LedgerSync::Customer/b3eab7ec00431a4ae0468fee72e5ba8f"

Test Adaptor

LedgerSync offers a test adaptor LedgerSync::Adaptors::Test::Adaptor that you can easily use and stub without requiring API requests. For example:

operation = LedgerSync::Adaptors::Test::Customer::Operations::Create.new(
  adaptor: LedgerSync::Adaptors::Test::Adaptor.new,
  resource: LedgerSync::Customer.new(name: 'Test Customer')

expect(operation).to be_valid

result = operation.perform
expect(result).to be_a(LedgerSync::OperationResult::Success)
expect(result).to be_success

expect { operation.perform }.to raise_error(PerformedOperationError)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org


Run bundle exec rspec to run all unit, feature, and integration tests. Unlike QA Tests, all external HTTP requests and responses are stubbed.

QA Testing


To fully test the library against the actual ledgers, you can run bin/qa which will run all tests in the qa/ directory. QA Tests are written in RSpec. Unlike tests in the spec/ directory, QA tests allow external HTTP requests.

As these interact with real ledgers, you will need to provide secrets. You can do so in a .env file in the root directory. Copy the .env.template file to get started.


  • NEVER CHECK IN YOUR SECRETS (e.g. the .env file).
  • Because these tests actually create and modify resources, they attempt to do "cleanup" by deleting any newly created resources. This process could fail, and you may need to delete these resources manually.


Run bundle console to start and interactive console with the library already loaded. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


To deploy a new version of the gem to RubyGems, you can use the release.sh script in the root. The script takes advantage of the bump gem. So you may call the script using any of the following:

# Version Format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
./release.sh patch # to bump X in 1.1.X
./release.sh minor # to bump X in 1.X.1
./release.sh major # to bump X in X.1.1


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/LedgerSync/ledger_sync. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the LedgerSync project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


A big thank you to our maintainers: