This is a remix of the Flatbox rev5 case by jfedor and fits the rev5 PCB without modification.
Parts required for a full assembly:
- 1x case
- 1x bottom plate
- 12x choc v1 compatible buttons (1 big, 11 small), I recommend the Bridget buttons from SGFDevices
- 7x M3x6 countersunk screws - 6x 12mm rubber feet/bumpons - 6x A56 caps for option buttons for 6x6x7 or 6x6x8 round head tactile push buttons
Depedning on your printer and settings, you can print all parts without supports. But to help with printing the slot for the USB-C port on the case, some can be used with the bridge. The bottom plate may also require supports for the feet indents.