
Achieving 86% accuracy on a test data set using an xgboost classifier to predict whether a passenger survived the Titanic disaster

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Achieving 86% accuracy on a test data set using an XGBost classifier to predict whether a passenger survived the Titanic disaster. 86% accuracy is also achieved on the training data set which indicates the model is not overfit to our training data

Test Set Confusion Matrix

Dead Correctly Classified as Dead:		127
Survivors Incorrectly Classified as Dead:	19
Dead Incorrectly Classified as Survivors:	12
Survivors Correctly Classified as Survivors:	65

Test Set Classification Report

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

        Dead       0.87      0.91      0.89       139
    Survived       0.84      0.77      0.81        84

    accuracy                           0.86       223
   macro avg       0.86      0.84      0.85       223
weighted avg       0.86      0.86      0.86       223


XGBoost uses an ensemble of decision trees. this model was selected as it is assumed that when the titanic was sinking, life boats were given to passengers based on a small number of demographic/familial factors. model tuning for the XGBoost model is shown below

xgb = XGBClassifier(n_estimators=100,

Feature Engineering

The below features were supplied to the XGBoost model

Fare - (float) the amount a passenger paid for their ticket
family_bucket_1 - (boolean) 1 if the passenger was traveling alone, 0 otherwise
family_bucket_2 - (boolean) 1 if the passenger was traveling with 1 to 3 other people, 0 otherwise
family_bucket_3 - (boolean) 1 if the passenger was traveling with 4 or more people, 0 otherwise
has_cabin - (boolean) 1 if the passenger has non-null data in the 'Cabin' column, 0 otherwise
is_male - (boolean) 1 if the passenger's Sex is 'male', 0 otherwise
has_age - (boolean) 0 if the passenger's age is np.nan, 1 otherwise
age_bin - (integer) rounds Age up to nearest 5-year interval (becomes 5, 6 becomes 10, etc...). if age is null, age_bin is 40
is_child - (boolean) 1 if Age <= 20, 0 otherwise
class_1 - (boolean) 1 if Pclass is 1, 0 otherwise
class_2 - (boolean) 1 if Pclass is 2, 0 otherwise
class_3 - (boolean) 1 if Pclass is 3, 0 otherwise

System Requirements

Built with conda 4.7.12, Python 3.7.3, numpy 1.16.2, pandas 0.24.2, sklearn 0.21.3, and xgboost 0.90