
Coffee Shop API

Primary LanguageHTML

Coffee Shop Api, with order edit and delete function.

For the fourth year of my degree in Computing in the National College of Ireland (NCI) I apart of my Software Devlopment specialization will have to create my own API and work woth RESTful apis and URI's.

So for practice I created this coffee shop web app where users can add an order and view it on the incoming orders board, users can also edit and save there order as well as deleting the order.

The site can be navigated through the URL and endpoints.

Orders are saved to an API saved on heroku.

This application contains a lot of Java script as well as html and css.

https://sean-h-coffee-api-project.herokuapp.com/orders -- Put into browser to view JSON or raw data. -add /1 to the endpoint or any of the listed ID's in /orders to show just one order.

Thank you for viewing.

Sean Hallahan 2021.