
Primary LanguageJavaScript

A pretty decent scaffold to use to build a React project

This is starting to get to a pretty state of the art place.

What's included?

  • A Webpack configuration designed to grow (webpack-merge)
  • Babel tranformation of latest JavaScript to ES5 for browser compatibility
  • ESLint (JavaScript code linting)
  • SASS
  • CSS auto prefixer
  • CSS minification (production)
  • Hot module replacement (Automatic reloading of the page when files change)
  • Souce control with Git
  • Single source of truth state pattern
  • Action dispatcher (event bus to mutate state)
  • Component based architecture
  • Hyperscript node creation


The next steps are

  • Lazy copying / merging of objects Lodash -> merge
  • JSX
  • React or Vue or Angular. -> React
  • TypeScript
  • Building a mock server with Express and NodeJS

What text editor to use?

How to start this?

Install NodeJS if you haven't already. In the command line, run

npm i

For eslint you will want to install it globally: I don't know what that is in windows, but in a mac that's

sudo npm i eslint

Building for production

npm run build