
A class for validating client side data using type systems

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Verified (13.7k minified)

A class for validating data created by me for SafetyWing

Supported types

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • object
  • any
  • null
  • undefined
  • function
  • T[]
  • Array<T>

You can also use any literal value.


import Validator from "verified";
const isString = new Validator("string");
const isNumber = new Validator("number");
const isList = new Validator("any[]");
const isObject = new Validator("object");

isString.validate("Cat").isValid -> true
isNumber.validate(0).isValid -> true
isList.validate([0, 1, 2, 3]).isValid -> true
isObject.validate({ cat: "Meow" }).isValid -> true

A more detailed example

import Validator from "verified";

// Let's imagine we have some data coming from the user on our server
const types = {
  "UserID": function (value) {
    return /^A([0-9]{5}|[0-9]{8})$/.test(value);

  "FullName": function (value) {
    return /^[A-Z][a-z]+ [A-Z][a-z]+$/.test(value);

  "ZipCode": function (value) {
    return /^[0-9]${5}/.test(value);

  "PostalCode": function (value) {
    return /^[A-Z][0-9][A-Z] [0-9][A-Z][0-9]$/.test(value);

  "Date": function (value) {
    return new Date(value).toString() !== "Invalid Date";

  "MedicalHistory": {
    doctor: "string",
    reason: "string",
    date: "Date",
    hospital: "string",

const validator = new Validator({
  userID: "UserID",
  fullName: "FullName",
  zipCode: "ZipCode|PostalCode",
  medicalHistory: "MedicalHistory[]",
}, types);

Object structure


import Validator from "verified";
let v = new Validator({
  name: "string"

  name: "Sean MacIsaac"

-> {
  value: {
    name: true
  data: {
    name: "Sean MacIsaac"
  type: {
    name: "string"
  isValid: true,
  invalid: []


When an object is invalidated, you will get a list of the invalid values and their paths.

import Validator from "verified";
let v = new Validator({
  name: "string"

  name: undefined

-> {
  value: {
    name: false
  data: {
    name: undefined
  type: {
    name: "string"
  isValid: false,
  invalid: [{
    pathname: "name",
    value: undefined,
    expected: "string"

Custom types

You can create custom types to reduce repetive boilerplate

Global types

  Shoe: function (value) {
    const types = {
      size: "number",
      brand: "string"
    return new Validator(types).validate(value)

Or you can define the type literally

  Shoe: {
    size: "number",
    brand: "string"
new Validator({
  shoes: "Shoe[]"
    shoes: [{
      size: 12,
      brand: "Nike"
    }, {
      size: 11,
      brand: "Asics"

-> {
  value: {
    shoes: [{
      size: true,
      brand: true
    }, {
      size: true,
      brand: true
  data: {
    shoes: [{
      size: 12,
      brand: "Nike"
    }, {
      size: 11,
      brand: "Asics"
  type: {
    shoes: "Shoe[]"
  isValid: true,
  invalid: []

Local types

This is a validation type which exists only on a specific instance of Validator

const validator = new Validator({
  shoes: "Shoe[]",
}, {
  Shoe: function (value) {
    const types = {
      size: "number",
      brand: "string"
    return new Validator(types).validate(value)
  // Or as an object literal
  Boot: {
    size: "number",
    brand: "string",
    season: "string"

Union types

const validator = new Validator({
  "[string]": "Array<Shoe|string>"

  shoes: [{
    size: 12,
    brand: "Nike"
  fruits: [

Optional parameters


Typed object keys

[string]: { value: "string" }

Optional typed object keys

[string]?: { value: "string" }

Extending types

Sometimes we want to share properties from one type to the next, extending a type allows you to do just that.

  Boot: function (value) {
    return new Validator({
      type: "string"

const validator = new Validator("Shoe").extend("Boot");

  size: 13,
  brand: "Nike",
  type: "Hiking",