
A sublime text plugin for executing shell commands on save

Primary LanguagePython

How to use it

Create a .yousaveme.json or .yousaveme file in your project's root directory

Configuration options

Name Type Purpose
include Array[glob] or glob Will include the matching file when the command is performed
exclude Array[glob] or glob Will exclude the matching file when the command is performed
command shell command The command which will be performed on an included filename


Name Value
$filename The full path of the current filename
$project The full path of the current project

Example configuration

Using a glob string to match filenames
    "include": "*.tsx, *.ts",
    "command": "tslint --fix $filename"
    "include": "*.json",
    "exclude": "*/package.json",
    "command": "json-format $filename"
Using a glob array to match filenames
    "include": [
    "command": "tslint --fix $filename"
    "include": [
    "exclude": [
    "command": "json-format $filename"