
Extract keyframes from video file, record their origin timestamp, convert frame into grayscale, split each frame into a grid of given dimensions, calculate median values of pixels of frame grid cells.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Extract keyframes from video file, record their origin timestamp, convert frame into grayscale, split each frame into a grid of given dimensions, calculate median values of pixels of frame grid cells.

Build dependencies


Boost - binary components: system filesystem program_options

OpenCV - videoio core highgui imgproc ml features2d calib3d objdetect flann

libav (ffmpeg, ffprobe) - avutil avcodec avformat avfilter swscale swresample
  Libraries, NOT simply ffmpeg and ffprobe executable shell commands.

Build commands

...KeyframeGridCellMedianValues/build$ cmake ..
...KeyframeGridCellMedianValues/build$ make -j4

Run command


Default values are used in place of absent command-line arguments.

command-line arguments

--help, -h

--video, -v
  Video from which to extract keyframes.

--csv, -c
  CSV file containing results of calculating median values of grayscale pixels of each grid cell for keyframe at reported video timestamp.

--dim, -d
  Dimension of grid into which to split keyframe.
  Required to be an even divisor of the vertical and horizontal pixel counts of an extracted keyframe.

  --video ../../../media/videoFileFromWhichToExtractKeyframes.mp4 --dim 4 --csv ../../../CSV_results/CSVTimestampAndGrayscaleKeyframeGridCellMedianValues.csv