Elastic Engineer Certification Study Notes

(based on the breakdown here: https://www.elastic.co/training/elastic-certified-engineer-exam) Elastic Certified Engineer is based on 7.13 as of June 29, 2022 according to https://www.elastic.co/training/certification/faq Here is a link to the documentation for that version: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.13/index.html

Data Management

Searching Data

Developing Search Applications

Data Processing

  • Define a mapping that satisfies a given set of requirements
  • Define and use a custom analyzer that satisfies a given set of requirements
  • Define and use multi-fields with different data types and/or analyzers
  • Use the Reindex API and Update By Query API to reindex and/or update documents
  • Define and use an ingest pipeline that satisfies a given set of requirements, including the use of Painless to modify documents
  • Configure an index so that it properly maintains the relationships of nested arrays of objects

Cluster Management