Implementation of Frontier Exploration based on this research paper:
Intended to work with ROS2's Nav2 stack
Computes a list of Frontier centroids from the currently available Occupancy Grid
Invoke's Nav2's waypoint follower to move the robot to the Frontiers
Upon reaching the waypoint destinations, the latest Occupancy Grid will be evaluated for new Frontiers and continues to plot new waypoints until all Frontiers have been discovered
For basic/general build instructions follow this tutorial:
git clone the project into your colcon workspace's "src" directory
In your colcon workspace root directory run:
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro foxy -y colcon build --packages-select nav2_wfd
Setup development path:
. install/setup.bash
Works with Nav2's Turtlebot Simulation: be sure to use "slam:=True" when launching "" such as:
ros2 launch nav2_bringup slam:=True
Once the Turtlebot Simulation has launch, in a separate window run:
ros2 run nav2_wfd explore