Without Bitcoin - Many of the innovations we are seeing emerge would not be happening....(actually - most of them). It is with this in mind, that keeping up to date with developments of the core protocol and overall adoption of Bitcoin is so important. Where Bitcoin goes...so will the rest of the market (At least for now)
Bitcoin Genesis Block - Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin Whitepaper "Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System". A few months later, the first bitcoin transaction took place.
The Bitcoin Genesis Block contains this message (taken from the front page of Times of London): "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"
This is the Hash for the 1st transaction (see what happens when you search this on one of the public ledger Explorers posted below): Tx:000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f
INTRODUCTION TO BITCOIN (a Presentation by Andreas Antenopolous): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1si5ZWLgy0&list=PLPQwGV1aLnTuN6kdNWlElfr2tzigB9Nnj&index=2&t=0s
NOVEMBER 2024 UPDATE: The price of a single #BTC just hit $80,000. Many say the superwave of the tech adoption is just about to begin!
HOW BITCOIN IS CHANGING THE WORLD (a follow up by Andreas Antenopolous):
Bitcoin - Under the Hood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx9zgZCMqXE
Why Bitcoin - a 45 minute interview with Andreas Antenopolous by Peter McCormick: https://youtu.be/l3BiLi5LSE0
Nakamotoinstitute - Origins of Money (everything that led to Bitcoin): https://nakamotoinstitute.org/literature/
The entire Andreas Antenopolous Playlist (assorted tutorials and presentations on all things Bitcoin): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQwGV1aLnTuN6kdNWlElfr2tzigB9Nnj
Coindance - Stats and Charts of Real-Time Bitcoin (and BCH) Metrics: https://coin.dance/blocks
KEY MANAGEMENT (BITCOIN): All Private Keys is a great resource for Bitcoin key management - https://allprivatekeys.com/
BTC Halving (A Primer): https://www.bitcoinclock.com/
Bitcoin Halving Countdown Clock: https://www.bitcoinblockhalf.com/ [Understand this to understand the rest]
Current Hashpower in the Bitcoin Network: https://www.blockchain.com/en/charts/hash-rate
Mempool Observer - If your bitcoin transaction is taking a long time, type the tx hash in here. It will show you where your transaction is in relation to other unconfirmed txs / fee rates: https://mempool.observer/
Taproot Watch: https://taproot.watch/
Bitcoin.org: https://bitcoin.org/en/
Bitcoin Wiki: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Main_Page
Bitcoin Calendar: https://en.bitcoinwiki.org/wiki/Bitcoin_history#Bitcoin_in_2018
Bitinfocharts - Crypto Stats: https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/transactions-btc-eth-ltc-bch-xrp.html#3m
Understanding Bitcoin UXTO Metrics and Market Behaviours: https://insights.glassnode.com/dissecting-bitcoins-unrealised-on-chain-profit-loss/
Market Sentiment - the Fear and Greed Index: https://alternative.me/crypto/fear-and-greed-index/
99Bitcoins - User Freindly Tutorials and Services: https://99bitcoins.com/bitcoin/
Jamesone Lopp Resources - best bitcoin documentaries: https://www.lopp.net/bitcoin-information/documentaries.html
Bitcoin Stock to Flow Model (Original - 2019): https://medium.com/@100trillionUSD/modeling-bitcoins-value-with-scarcity-91fa0fc03e25
Bitcoin Stock to Flow Model (2020): https://medium.com/@100trillionUSD/bitcoin-stock-to-flow-cross-asset-model-50d260feed12
Every Bitcoin Fork and Airdrop: https://forkdrop.io/
BUY Giftcards with Bitcoin: https://giftcards.bitcoin.com/giftcards
Byzantine Fault Tolerance Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine_fault
Bitcoin Explorer - Block Cypher: https://live.blockcypher.com/btc/
Bitcoin Explorer - Blockstream: https://blockstream.info/
Blockchain.com (Hashrate and Transaction / Crypto Market Tool): https://www.blockchain.com/en/charts/n-transactions-per-block
Blockchain Luxemburg Explorer [Hashrate / Unconmfirmed / Difficulty / Avg's / etc]: https://www.blockchain.com/explorer
Bitcoin Wallet Tracker: https://bitinfocharts.com/top-100-richest-bitcoin-addresses.html
BitInfoCharts - lands on current Mempool: https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/bitcoin-transactionfees.html
Bitcoin Batching (explainer article): https://btcmanager.com/what-is-bitcoin-batching/
Bitcoin Batching Analysis: https://medium.com/@hasufly/an-analysis-of-batching-in-bitcoin-9bdf81a394e0
Byzantine General (explained): https://medium.com/coinmonks/a-note-from-anthony-if-you-havent-already-please-read-the-article-gaining-clarity-on-key-787989107969
Step by Step Guide to setting up your own Bitcoin Node: https://99bitcoins.com/step-by-step-guide-firing-up-bitcoin-node/
How to Run a Full Node (and why it is important): https://bitcoin.org/en/posts/how-to-run-a-full-node#why-is-running-a-full-bitcoin-node-important
Satoshi Institute: https://nakamotoinstitute.org/
Satoshi Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satoshi_Nakamoto
Satoshi Calculator [instantly convert any USD, GBP, RUB, CAD, etc into BTC Sats]: https://www.btcsatoshi.com/
Andreas Antonopolous and Jameson Lopp on Security: https://youtu.be/uKCMx8nqQhY
Website to see if you've been affected by the ledger hack: https://intelx.io/
How much of your data has already been breached (by other hacks): https://haveibeenpwned.com/
Jameson's guide to mitigating physical attacks: https://github.com/jlopp/physical-bit...
One option to get disposable email addresses: https://mailinator.com
One option to get disposable phone numbers: https://quackr.io/
One option for TOTP: https://authy.com/
One option for physical U2F: https://www.yubico.com/
BIP chart of all the words used in seeds - great for advanced checking of pneumonics: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/english.txt
- NOTE: ETH seeds use these words as well.
Related Videos:
- Key Management & Hardware Wallets: https://youtu.be/bc3HQqCSl7A
- Cryptocurrency Security Session: https://youtu.be/P7IuPA26GGc
- Passwords and Authentication: https://youtu.be/m8jlnZuV1i4
The Lightning Network: https://lightning.network/
The Lightning Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_Network
Lightning - Blockstream: https://blockstream.com/lightning/
Lightning Explained (good article with some technical elements): https://dailyhodl.com/2019/05/23/on-lightning-network-a-demonstration-in-solidity/
VIDEO - Lightning Network Trust Video: https://youtu.be/89TSOayiqtA
PASS THE TORCH: https://www.takethetorch.online/Torch
1ML - Lightning Network Search and Analysis Engine: https://1ml.com/
Lightning Wallet Beta Download (Android and IOS): https://blog.lightning.engineering/announcement/2019/06/19/mobile-app.html
Lightning - Node Doctor / Terminal Web - Ranking and suggestions: https://terminal.lightning.engineering/#/
Lightning Network Explorer: https://amboss.space/
Reddit Lightning Sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/lightningnetwork/
Moneni: Various Bitcoin and Lightning services: https://moneni.com/
Andreas M. Antonopoulos explains Lightning: https://github.com/lnbook/lnbook
Tally Chart https://tallyco.in/s/thz6f7/
- See THE STATE OF BITCOIN report attached in branch Hello_World - as of Decemer 2018
- The State of BITCOIN 2020 - Delphi Link: https://www.delphidigital.io/halving?utm_campaign=a7e46951-2129-4899-9243-a13ee5c87b44&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&cid=b591ce3e-92bc-42d7-b512-652b1f60547f
Schnorr / Rootstock / Lightning / etc - https://blockchainwhispers.com/bitcoin-btc-2019/
Rootstock (RSK): https://www.rsk.co/ Laying the Foundation for the Internet of Value
Schnorr Signatures: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Schnorr
Mimblewimble (comprehensive section in mycryptopedia): https://www.mycryptopedia.com/mimblewimble-explained/
Bitcoin Pool: https://pool.btc.com/tools
Hackernoon Wallet Guide: https://blockgeeks.com/guides/cryptocurrency-wallet-guide/
PURSE.io (Buy items on Amazon with Bitcoin (using Purse.io) to get 5% to 50% off): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waF3E9QIIGc&feature=youtu.be
- This is a great way to dip your toes with BTC. Buy $20 / $40 / $100 / etc of bitcoin and use here (to get familiar without risk WHILE getting discounts on Amazon purchases!).
Portfolio Management - you can use these to track coins you hold or have traded [wallets, exchanges, coins and transactions. Basis for tax tracking and fiat values for portfolio analysis]
- CoinTracking: https://cointracking.info/
- CryptoCompare: https://www.cryptocompare.com/
- Bitwave: https://www.bitwave.io/
- Integral: https://www.integral.com/
Bitcoin Explorers - you can use these to see all your activity on the public blockchain (Bitcoin)
- Block Explorer: https://www.blockchain.com/explorer
- Block Cypher: https://live.blockcypher.com/btc/
The Spot BTC ETF:
- Posting this article on Jan 9, 2024. The BTC EFT is expected to be approved (denied?) any day now. The price of #BTC is around $46k (after running up since mid-2023). Some say this ETF will do more towards driving adoption of the cryptoshpere than anything to date. Once the users come, the innovations will explode with new engagement models: https://beincrypto.com/sec-delay-signal-dismissed-last-minute-etf-amendments/
Articles of interest:
- Why Bitcoin is Different (by Jimmy Song): https://medium.com/@jimmysong/why-bitcoin-is-different-e17b813fd947