Robocraft General Calculator
This Calculator is designed for Robocraft builders to calculate their bots datas easily. `` The program is written solely by Java.
Please do not seperate the jar file and the res/ folder or the program could not read the data properly.
Currently the program support the following functions:
Configure the components and calculate the CPU,RR,Mass,HP,Sheild of a bot
Set the max CPU limit you currently has, not only 1750
Type Number% (For example 50%) in the component slot to auto-calculate the number of component according to the remaining CPU.
Support copy infomation generated by the program
git clone [New directory]
cd [New directory]
mkdir /bin
javac -d bin/ src/com/seancheey/*.java src/com/seancheey/data/*.java src/com/seancheey/gui/*.java src/com/seancheey/imagegen/*.java
jar cvfm RCCalculator.jar MANIFEST.MF -C bin/ .