Save my conclusions different aspect of Java.
- Annotation version:2.0
- Annotation version:1.0
- Comparable and Comparator
- Exception and Error
- Generic
- Inner class 内部类
- Java值传递
- Proxy
- Condition
- Serialize 序列化技术
- Concurrent 并发
- I/O系列
Spring Cloud reference: SpringCloudLearning
通过Spring Cloud和SpringBoot实现微服务构架,严格参考SpringCloudLearning,更详细的资料可以根据所提供的reference进行学习,本地记录了学习该项目的过程,也可供参考。
- Spring Cloud Service Register 服务的注册和发现
- Spring Cloud Ribbon, RestTemplate 通过Ribbon和RestTemplate实现负载均衡
- Spring Cloud Feign 通过Feign实现负载均衡
- Spring Cloud Hystrix 通过Hystrix实现断路器
- Spring Cloud Zuul 通过Zuul实现网关和权限校验
- Spring Cloud Config 通过config-server和config-client实现远程配置
- Spring Cloud Bus 通过消息总线实现远程更新
- Spring Cloud Sleuth 服务追踪
- Creation Pattern
- Structural Pattern
- Behavioral Pattern