- 0
#72 opened by SunYiLing123 - 5
Where is detections.pkl?
#39 opened by zhangxiaoyang520 - 2
How to improve the True positive rate on FDDB
#65 opened by kingofview - 39
facial landmark regression
#37 opened by Rainy000 - 3
#51 opened by LinnaWang76 - 0
- 10
train PNet is so slow
#61 opened by tzhang2014 - 2
run error when train P net
#54 opened by anna0709 - 0
- 4
How to integrate it in latest mxnet?
#62 opened by linsonwang - 1
- 0
When I train the new dataset, does it retain the parameters of the previous network?
#69 opened by stillqueen - 1
why wider_face_train.mat 's file size is different with the widerface official one?
#57 opened by xiaoxiongli - 4
fail to open "model/pnet-symbol.json"
#56 opened by tianhuangli - 1
how much time when training P-Net in GPU?
#58 opened by xiaoxiongli - 3
How to compute the loss diff in negativemining op
#23 opened by dtivger - 0
the question about negativemining
#67 opened by geoffzhang - 0
- 3
- 2
why convert_to_square(dets)?
#26 opened by CongWeilin - 3
Training mtcnn in KITTI for vehicle detect
#34 opened by hkdqliu - 0
- 0
how to set a valid set and valid loss to moniter and decide when should we stop p/r/o net training?
#63 opened by libohit - 7
gen_hard_example test_mode Pnet problem
#43 opened by kuaikuaikim - 1
- 1
Python3 compatibility
#35 opened by edmBernard - 0
why you use SoftmaxActivation in P_Net and SoftmaxOutput in R_Net and ONet?
#59 opened by xiaoxiongli - 0
why do not draw 5 landmarks?
#55 opened by xiaoxiongli - 5
How to save the trained model
#22 opened by peyer - 35
Landmark detection training
#25 opened by csoiram - 0
- 1
Metric issues
#52 opened by hust-kevin - 5
Training Issue
#50 opened by JoeHEZHAO - 2
- 1
run demo failed
#48 opened by nopattern - 0
Ratio of sample
#47 opened by tfygg - 0
sth wrng...
#45 opened by LeeRock - 1
How can i train landmarks
#44 opened by kuaikuaikim - 1
Model parameters
#41 opened by BorisLestsov - 1 run issues
#40 opened by zhangxiaoyang520 - 1
Where is input size of Pnet specified?
#38 opened by huynhthedang - 3
Derivation of bbox_label
#36 opened by fninsiima - 2
What kind of data should I give Pnet when generating RNet data using
#33 opened by zzmig - 2
- 3
image annotations flip?
#31 opened by Cv9527 - 0
it might be epoch[1] in demo
#30 opened by GarrickLin - 2
I get an error : "convolution4_weights is not in the arguments" when I load the new trained models
#29 opened by Rainy000 - 1
Augmentation of data
#28 opened by GarrickLin - 1
load_annotations getting slower
#27 opened by GarrickLin - 1
How to plot the ROC curve for FDDB test?
#24 opened by dtivger