Risk Thinking Data Engineer Work Sample

Assumes the Kaggle dataset is downloaded and unpacked into a folder named data/ at the repository root. Including this step in the pipeline was unfeasible given it would require:

  • Sharing my Kaggle API key
  • Hosting the files somewhere myself

The pipeline can be run inside Docker from the repository root using:

docker build -t local/volume-pipeline .
# note: --shm-size is to improve Ray performance
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data --shm-size=4.86GB --rm -it local/volume-pipeline


  • Used Prefect as the data pipeline DAG tool.
  • Used Ray for parallelism, integrated with Prefect using the prefect-ray task.
  • Used Ibis with the duckdb backend to extract the vol_moving_avg and adj_close_rolling_med features. Note that Ibis is backend agnostic, however only the Spark, pandas and duckdb backends currently support the trailing_window API used.
  • Data is stored as a folder of parquet files for each stock/etf. It is assumed this is a sufficient "structured format" as requested in the Work Sample instructions. If a single dataset is needed for a future applications, for example querying a specific day across all stocks/etfs, it is trivial to amalgamate the data using pyarrow.parquet.ParquetDataset
  • Basic integration tests are stored in tests/

Notes on ML Training

In the instructions, the purpose of the model is not stated.

This works sample assumes the most practical use case given the starter code is to predict the Volume of the next day, named next_day_volume, given the vol_moving_avg and adj_close_rolling_med features of the current day for a specific stock/etf.

The previous pipeline steps generate a massive (2.8 x 10^7) amount of data. My old laptop could not train a model to leverage that quantity of data, with the exception of poorly performing linear models. Instead, a manageable subset of the data (1 x 10^4) is randomly sampled for training.

The performance of the RandomForestModel is terrible.

There are many options for improving this model:

  • Given access to better hardware, such as a CPU cluster or a GPU, a model which scales better to a large amount of data could be used. For example, xgboost support both CPU cluster (via Spark or Ray) or GPU acceleration.
  • Instead of randomly sampling data points to train the model, a representative sub-sample could be found.
  • Improve the input features by using features lags, which would let me use models better-suited for time-series forecasting, but would be incompatible with the API for the Model Serving step.
  • Use k-fold cross-validation to better estimate model performance.
  • Fine-tune the models further using hyper-parameter tuning, but given how poorly it is performing, this feels futile.

Given this work sample is for a data engineering position, and not a data science role, these options were not investigated.

Notes on Model Serving

The model is served using ONNX on Fly.io using FastAPI. The Dockerfile and code is stored in predictor/.

Given the terrible performance of the ML model, it felt futile to optimize for serving performance and to profile the current serving configuration, since a better performing model would likely be a completely different size and inference performance.

Given a better performing model, the FastAPI endpoint could be optimized using Ray Serve, which provides several features, such as:

  • Micro-batching to handle large amounts of requests
  • Hot-loading models on the back-end for better computational resource usage
  • Auto-scaling resource usage according to demand/usage with Kubernetes using Kuberay


See references.md for a collection of documentation consulted and conversations with Bing Chat.

Pipeline run logs

Output from a pipeline run can be found in pipeline_logs.txt in the root of this repository.