This is a Spigot plugin for playing "Capture The Flag".
for Spigot 1.19.3
All commands can use "/sctf" instead of "/simplectf"
You can view command list.
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: none(Anybody can use this command)
You join <arena>
- CanUse: Player
- Permission:
You leave from arena.
- CanUse: Player
- Permission: none(Anybody can use this command)
You can view arena list.
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: none(Anybody can use this command)
You can watch <arena> game.
- CanUse: Player
- Permission: none(Anybody can use this command)
You back to WorldSpawnPoint from watching game.
- CanUse: Player
- Permission: none(Anybody can use this command)
You can view this plugin infomation.
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: none(Anybody can use this command)
You can Reset Scoreboard. (debug)
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: none(Anybody can use this command)
You can countdown within 10 seconds remaining after countdown started
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: simplectf.force
Start creation arena process as arena name is <arena>
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: none(Anybody can use this command)
All commands can use "/sctf" instead of "/simplectf"
A Player who has "simplectf.admin" can use admin commands.
Start creation arena process as arena name is <arena>
- CanUse: Player
- Permission: simplectf.admin
Remove <arena>
- CanUse: Player
- Permission: simplectf.admin
Set Inventory and SpawnLocation. You can use this command when you create arena.
- CanUse: Player
- Permission: simplectf.admin
You enable <arena>
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: simplectf.admin
You disable <arena>
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: simplectf.admin
You add usable cmd while playing the game.
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: simplectf.admin
You remove usable cmd while playing the game.
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: simplectf.admin
You can view usable all cmds while playing the game.
- CanUse: Player, Console
- Permission: simplectf.admin
Give access to all SimpleCTF commands
- childlen
- simplectf.admin
- simplectf.rate
- simplectf.simplectf
- simplectf.force
Allows to control SimpleCTF
- Default: op
Allows to control commands
- Default: true
Allows to play ctf
- Default: true
Allows to force playing ctf
- Default: op
- 1.0.0 stable version.(some bugs fixed from 0.4.0)
- 0.4.0 totally from scratch for mc1.19.3 (some function unimplemented) again.
- 0.3.0 totally from scratch for mc1.19.3 (some function unimplemented)
- 0.2.1 bug fixed from 0.2.0(fixed get flag when any item) for Spigot1.8.8
- 0.2.0
add function and bugfixed from 0.1.5 for Spigot1.8.8
- fatal bug fixed (item throw away bug)
- fatal bug fixed (Cannot throw
- bug fixed (item clear when player return on the way)
- specification change(cannot throw away other than flag)
- specification change(item clear when player join arena)
- add cmds
- add function(watch game)
- 0.1.5
bug fixed from 0.1.4(fixed not to paid items) for Spigot1.8.8 - 0.1.4 bug fixed from 0.1.3(return bug fixed) for Spigot1.8.8
- 0.1.3 bug fixed from 0.1.2(nullPointExep. at for Spigot1.8.8
- 0.1.2 bug fixed from 0.1.1(permissions) for Spigot1.8.8]
- 0.1.1 bug fixed from 0.1.0(Timer is faster) for Spigot1.8.8
- 0.1.0 First Releace for Spigot1.8.8