
cocos2d command line tool

Primary LanguageC++






Vision of cocos2d-console

A command line tool that lets you create, run, publish, debug, etc… your game. It is the swiss-army knife for cocos2d.

This command line tool is in its early stages.


# starts a new project called "My Game" for iOS and Android with JS Bindigns
$ cocos2d new "My Game" --mobile --js

$ cd "My Game"

# Will compile the source code, publish the assests, and then it will send the binary to the simulator
$ cocos2d run --ios

# Will generate a distribution .ipa file ready to be summitted to the App Store
$ cocos2d dist --ios

# Will generate published files
$ cocos2d.py publish --ios

# Will generate bytecode files
$ cocos2d jscompile -d output_dir -s cocos2dx_root/scripting/javascript/bindings/js -s cocos2dx_root/samples/Javascript/Shared/tests -o game.min.js -j compiler_config_sample.json -c

Devel Info


cocos2d.py is an script whose only responsability is to call its plugins.


// It will just print all the registered plugins
$ python cocos2d.py
// It will call the "new" plugin 
$ python cocos2d.py new
// It will call the "dist" plugin with the --help argument 
$ python cocos2d.py dist --help

Adding new plugin to the console

You have to edit the cocos2d.ini file, and add your new plugin there.

Let's say that you want to add a plugin that minifies JS code.

# Adds the minify_js plugin
[plugin "minify_js"]
# should be a subclass of CCPlugin
class = cocos2d_minify_js.CCPluginMinifyJS

And now you have to create a file called cocos2d_minify_js.py with the following structure.

import cocos2d

# Plugins should be a sublass of CCPlugin
class CCPluginMinifyJS(cocos2d.CCPlugin):

    def brief_description():
        return "minify_js\t\tminifies JS code"

    def run(self, argv):
        print "plugin called!"
        print argv