Powercoders Coding Day

Coding Day 2021-2 / Powercoders Switzerland bootcamp

  1. Fork the powercoders/coding_day repo from Github

    Make sure you forked it! Do not overwrite the orginal repo.

  2. Pull the forked repo to a local coding_day repo

  3. Read every exercise's README carefully, before you start coding.

  4. Best to read the first 7 exercises first and check the estimated times, before you start.

  5. Exercise 8 is group work in the afternoon

  6. Commit every exercise to your local repo, NOT Github.

At 12:30 pm sharp (for the first part) and 4.00 pm sharp (for the second part) push your whole repo to Github and add the link to the repo when you turn in the Google Classroom assignment. Please include your name in the repo name.

Morning points: 195
Afternoon points: 280
Total points: 475