Husky Mesh navigation

This package is a working simulation of mesh navigation which uses move_base_flex for husky.


git-lfs: sudo apt install git-lfs

Husky simulation: git clone noetic-devel git clone noetic-devel or any modified version of the husky packages

move_base_flex: sudo apt install ros-noetic-move-base-flex

mesh_navigation: sudo apt install ros-noetic-mesh-navigation ros-noetic-rviz-map-plugin

It uses git lfs to store binary files.


Start simulation: roslaunch husky_mesh_nav sim.launch

Start mesh nav server: roslaunch husky_mesh_nav move_base_flex.launch

To start the navigation you should publish on topic /move_base_flex/move_base/goal (for some reason the topic used on the pluto robot repo is /move_base_flex/get_path/goal which only generates the global path but doesn't actually transfer the result to the local planner. Please read the move_base_action.cpp of move_base_flex to understand how the informations are transfered in the navigation stack)

Also, you can simply do: roslaunch husky_mesh_nav start_experiment.launch.

Files and maps for the simulation

The map is from the repo of the pluto robot and most of the files in this repo are from one of those four repos :

Fake odom

By default, it uses the published odom by the husky package. If you experience troubles, for instance robot slipping on the terrain, you can try to use the odom provide by the gazebo simulation. To do so :

  • Add the following code to husky_description/urdf/husky.urdf.xacro
    <plugin name="p3d_base_controller" filename="">
      <xyzOffsets>0 0 0</xyzOffsets>
      <rpyOffsets>0 0 0</rpyOffsets>
  • Set fake_pos arg to true

If you have trouble with TF odom -> base_link not published enough or too much, tweak the updateRate param.

Real world example

For the proof of concept in the real world, start base_u2is.launch, move_base_flex.launch et start_experiment_grand_hall.launch.

Note that the base_u2is.launch publishes a TF between map and odom. You should deactivate other nodes that publish such TF

Files and maps for the real world

  • The base_u2is.launch is a modified version of the one from husky_robot
  • The map was made using a ZED camera


graph TD
    A[move_base_simple/goal] --> B(move_base_flex/move_base)
    C(move_base) <--> B
    style A fill:#f5f
    style C fill:#f5f

    B --> D(move_base_flex/get_path)
    D --> E(move_base_flex/exe_path)

Square : topic, rounded corner square : action server, rounded side square : service server

In purple the action/service/topic created by move_base_legacy_relay (pkg mbf_costmap_nav: script/ Others are created by mbf_abstract_nav.

Assembled by SĂ©bastien K. for CoHoMa 2023 - U2IS Team.