
Ogone Payment Processor extension for CiviCRM

Primary LanguagePHP

This CiviCRM extension add a support for the Ogone payment service, now integrated into the group Ingenico.

To install the extension

  1. Clone the repository in your extensions folder.

    $ git clone https://github.com/cray146/org.civicrm.payment.ogone.git

    or this one, a bit more recent,

    $ git clone https://github.com/Seb35/org.civicrm.payment.ogone.git

  2. Make a symbolic link in /packages/OgoneUtils.php to OgoneUtils.php

  3. Make a symbolic link in /extern/OgoneNotify.php to OgoneNotify.php

  4. Go to Administer > System Settings > Directories and configure CiviCRM Extensions Directory.

  5. Go to Administer > System Settings > Resource URLs and configure Extension Resource URL.

  6. Go to Administer > Manage Extensions. Click Refresh to update the overview of available extensions. Click Install to install the Ogone Payment Processor.

To configure the Ogone payment processor

  1. Go to Administer > System Settings > Payment Processors and click Add Payment Processor

  2. Fill out the New Payment Processor form. Select Ogone for Payment Processor Type.

  3. You will have two similar parameter sets: one for real transactions (production) and one for tests.

  4. Write down your PSPID (your Ogone ID), the same SHA-IN and SHA-OUT passphrases as in your Ogone backoffice ("technical information" tab; you should use different passphrases between your production and test environments).

  5. The website URL is (as of beginning of 2016):

To configure the Ogone Merchant Account

  1. Login on Ogone with your merchant account. The production and test environments are separated:

  2. Go to tab Configuration, then the tab Technical informations.

  3. Go to tab Global security parameters.

    • Set Hash algorithm to SHA-1.
  4. Go to tab Data and Origin verification.

    • Set up the URL of the merchant page containing the payment form that will call the page: orderstandard.asp, with your origin website, e.g. https://crm.example.org
    • Set up the SHA-IN passphrase.
  5. Go to tab Transaction feedback.

    • Check 'I would like to receive transaction feedback parameters on redirection URLs.'
    • Set up SHA-OUT passphrase.